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   The greatest thing about love is everyone can get it, whether you are a boy or girl and whether you are young or old, love is available for everyone

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   The greatest thing about love is everyone can get it, whether you are a boy or girl and whether you are young or old, love is available for everyone . love is universal. The most important step to achieving true happiness is SELF LOVE.
   I always say you must find peace and love in yourself first before spreading it to people around you. Self love is choosing yourself when other people around you refuse to accept you. Self love is appreciating yourself and how far you've gone in life, self love is not caring about negative comments people make about you, self love is treating yourself like a king/queen.

"self love is developing a tough skin to shield yourself away from negativity,hate and pain "-victoria igbor.

I want each and everyone of you to be contented with yourself and be grateful for who you are. You don't need to be a celebrity or have a huge platform with thousands of followers on social media before spreading love to someone,  because you never know who is sad and is thinking about suicide  because he or she feels they don't have a chance at finding love , care or help.

  Self love is having confidence in all you do, speaking in places, sharing your powerful voice and not caring about negative people around you

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  Self love is having confidence in all you do, speaking in places, sharing your powerful voice and not caring about negative people around you. You have to rediscover your true power, confidence and voice, you have to find yourself and not lose yourself. Accept and own all your flaws that people make fun of because they are beautiful and unique.

Your greatest super power is that no one can ever be you , so use that to your advantage.
Stand tall and when negativity wants to shut you up keep talking,  it's your voice so you decide how loud you want to talk to be heard. And if you are someone who bullies people and make them feel worthless stop it because you are emotionally bullying them making them create suicidal thoughts.

Create a positivity environment for yourself, let your positivity be so contagious that people around you will catch it too.

Create a positivity environment for yourself, let your positivity be so contagious that people around you will catch it too

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1- Appreciate yourself and involve God.

1- Appreciate yourself and involve God

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2- Reward yourself with gifts. You can get yourself flowers, go see a movie, go to a restaurant, get a pedicure and manicure...just spoil yourself and make yourself feel special because you are.

3- Drop toxic people. Let go of friends that only emit negativity. Surround yourself with positive and happy people.worry less and care about yourself more.

4- Help other people.  Helping others makes you feel good about yourself. Consider giving,  or working for your community, visiting orphanages and making them feel special with gifts and joy and even helping your parents.

5- Take a break from social media. So many things are happening in this world and social media is crawling with negative and toxic people, so give yourself a break.

6- Take care of your body and treat it with respect .Drink water, eat healthy.
Laugh and smile more, make a list of things you love about your self. Love all your flaws.

7- Never wish to be anyone,  because everyone has their own purpose in life so find yours.

8- Control your mind, learn how to control your mind and use it to speak positively.

9- Mind your business,  avoid gossiping and sticking your nose into other people's business.

10- Believe in yourself.  You are special whether you like it or not. Push beyond your limits and do something you are scared of.

11- count your blessing and you'll find out you can't count them all because they are plenty.

12- meditate. Clear your head and forgive yourself from past sins you regret doing.

13- feed your soul with good music that pass positive messages. And don't forget to dance and be thankful, even if you think you cant dance  trash that thought and get up and move.

 And don't forget to dance and be thankful, even if you think you cant dance  trash that thought and get up and move

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Remember change begins in you, as you practice self love i wish you strength in your journey. I love you all.

 I love you all

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