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    Some people feel drugs and alchohol help ease their pain and struggles in life but you are wrong, it only makes things worse ,

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    Some people feel drugs and alchohol help ease their pain and struggles in life but you are wrong, it only makes things worse ,

You felt disgusted by that image right? Well i had to show you what happens to your lungs when you keep taking drugs and you keep smoking

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You felt disgusted by that image right? Well i had to show you what happens to your lungs when you keep taking drugs and you keep smoking.

"In this life it's important to know what ever habit you start has a consequence in the end"-- Victoria igbor

So many people have damaged their body organs just because they want to fit in, some don't smoke but stay in the company of people smoking,  don't be deceived as long as you inhale the smoke you're still hurting yourself. I only want whats best for you, stop thinking cigarettes , cocaine and alchohol are your friends because at the end of the day they'll finish and you'll buy more.

 I only want whats best for you, stop thinking cigarettes , cocaine and alchohol are your friends because at the end of the day they'll finish and you'll buy more

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Like i said before, our bodies are special and should be treated with respect. To all those people who want to make friends and be cool by taking drugs or doing all they do won't still make you cool because you are trying to fit into someone else's storybook that you shouldn't be in.

You are better than that, you are a king/queen so don't remove your crown just to fit into someone else's story. And if you are reading this and you are pressuring someone STOP, because you had your chance to make your decision and you chose to do drugs so don't force someone else when they didn't force you.

 And if you are reading this and you are pressuring someone STOP, because you had your chance to make your decision and you chose to do drugs so don't force someone else when they didn't force you

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Drug abuse and alcoholism leads to mental health disorder.

Heres a life hack:-

"Whatever you didn't do when you were with your parents,  don't start it because you tasted freedom "- Victoria igbor

Everyday people are dying and when proper investigations are carried out,  its discovered that most of the people dying are teenagers. Please i love each and everyone of you so please don't use your hand to end your life.

 Please i love each and everyone of you so please don't use your hand to end your life

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1- Accept that you have a problem and you are ready to try to change. Acceptance is the first step.

2- Avoid going back to old friends that are not supportive about your decisions to change.

3- Make new friends who support your decisions and are ready to help you.

4- Stay away from events that involve drugs and alchohol.

5- Keep your hands and mouth busy. You can try having a little bag of health chips or any other snacks,around you to help you take your mind of the urge of  grabbing cigarettes or alchohol.

6- Be strong it takes time to getting used to.

7- Don't forget to involve God.

8- Stay positivity and believe in your self. Always reward yourself on your journey like if the 1st 3 days,a week, a month, 6 months or a year and more you've not taking drugs or alchohol reward yourself with a spa date, movie night...just pamper yourself.

We need more people to bring positivity and happiness to this world,  so please SAY NO TO DRUGS BECAUSE YOU AND YOUR HEALTH ARE IMPORTANT TO THE WORLD

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We need more people to bring positivity and happiness to this world,  so please SAY NO TO DRUGS BECAUSE YOU AND YOUR HEALTH ARE IMPORTANT TO THE WORLD.

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