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Lisa's Pov:

On that specific day, I ended up at Jisoo's house rather than going back home. Mr. Kim, with his serious demeanor, demanded that his daughter to stay with them, while my own father, overcome with anger, pushed me away with contempt, saying he didn't want me around. I don't know what they had talked about that day and i don't wanna know either.

Today, as I sit at my desk in the company, yearning for tempo peace amidst the chaos, my father unexpectedly strides in. I rise hastily, wanting to greet him, but he quells my attempt with a subtle gesture, compelling me to remain seated, and so i do.

"No divorce will take place, Lisa," his voice, lacking any warmth, fills the room, his words carrying a sense of finality.

"Dad, would you just—" I try to interject, but my plea goes unheard as he interrupts me once again, leaving me overwhelmed with a mix of emotions.

"NO LISA, YOU AND JENNIE WILL STILL BE TOGETHER..IN THE SAME ROOF EITHER IN THE SAME COMPANY" i scoffed at the nonsense he was saying..How could he!

"jennie will move here to your co"mpany and don't worry because jennie's company will not be neglected" He added..I gripped the arm of the chair.

" NO, LISA, YOU AND JENNIE WILL BE STILL TOGETHER... UNDER THE SAME ROOF, EITHER IN THE SAME COMPANY," he exclaimed, his words sounding like a cruel joke. I scoffed at the absurdity of what he was suggesting. How could he even propose such a thing?

"Jennie will relocate here to your company, and don't worry because Jennie's company will not be neglected," he continued, as if it were a simple solution to a complex problem. I felt a surge of frustration and disbelief, my fingers tightening around the arm chair in a desperate attempt to anchor myself amidst the flood of emotions crashing over me.

"I'm ashamed to have a daughter like you," his words landed heavily on me, unexpected and devastating. I had grown used to hearing expressions of pride from him, not this hurtful condemnation. Searching desperately for any sign of regret in his eyes, I found none. I couldn't bear to meet his gaze as he uttered those words, feeling the weight of his disappointment replacing the warmth of his love. With a heavy heart, I cast my eyes downward, unable to confront the reality of his newfound shame towards me.

"Be grateful, Lisa," my father's words cut through me like a knife. "Despite what you did to your wife, she still wants to stay with you. She even asked me to intervene and stop you from filing for a divorce."

My anger surged like a wildfire, stoked by the unfairness of it all. So this was her decision? After my father left, leaving behind a heavy silence, I felt a storm brewing inside me. I clenched my fists tightly, sensing the sting of betrayal weighing heavily upon me. This wasn't their decision; it was Jennie's. And the realization burned within me like a white-hot flame, igniting a tempest of emotions that threatened to consume me whole.

So, this is what she wants, huh?

I hastily grab my keys, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the office. As I enter the house, my heart softens at the sight of my beloved pets, their eager eyes greeting me.

But then, her voice pierces through the air like a sharp blade, shattering the brief moment of solace.

"Kuma, Kai... Leo? Babies, your food is ready," she calls out, her voice carrying an unfamiliar tone. I watched as she stiffened upon seeing me and with I watched as she stiffened upon seeing me, her gaze meeting mine with an unfamiliar intensity. It wasn't the gaze of the woman I married; it was the gaze of my best friend.


'Your wife helped me to get your shitty shop'

But I didn't care. That person, the one standing before me, was the same person who chose to betray me. As I continued to stare at her, a wave of anger began to engulf me once more.

"What do you think you're doing? Aren't you done playing, Jennie Kim?" I spoke with forced calmness, though I could feel the fury simmering beneath the surface, ready to erupt at any moment.

"Lisa... please, hear me out first," she pleaded softly. I couldn't help but chuckle bitterly at the irony of the situation. How the tables had turned. Once, it was me begging her to listen, and now, here she was, in the same position.

"What more do you want, Jennie? I'm already shattered and in agony. Isn't that sufficient? Why isn't it sufficient for you?" I could see the remorse etched in her eyes, but it's too late. I'm exhausted from constantly considering her feelings. I've reached my limit; I yearn to put an end to what we once shared.

""Give me space to breathe, Jen. I'm granting you the freedom you've always craved from me... I'm releasing you. So please, Jennie... Let us go," I pleaded with all the emotion I could muster. She averted her gaze, unable to confront the weight of my words.

"I'm sorry, Lisa... but, no," she muttered, her gaze fixed on the floor. My jaw clenched painfully as I sucked in a harsh breath. Why did she have to make it worse?

Even though she wasn't looking at me, I knew she could feel the intensity of my gaze burning into her.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT, ISN'T IT?! I'M SETTING YOU FREE NOW, YOU CAN BE WITH HIM! SO, WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'NO'?!" I erupted, my voice laced with rage. She recoiled, her body trembling as she backed away until her back met the wall. I had never used this tone with her before. I had never been so consumed by anger towards her.


Seeing her tears begin to flow only added to the pain stabbing at my heart. Why are you doing this to me, Jen?

Unable to bear the sight of her crying, I turned my back, unable to face her any longer.

"I just want you to love me as much as I love you... I just want us to go back to how things were before," my voice softened, tinged with weary. "I know you don't feel the same way about me. I'm just nobody but a childhood friend to you... I've always prioritized you over anyone and anything, Jen. Your happiness has always mattered more to me than my own. I've chosen to love you, even though it only causes me pain." Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably.

I wanted her to see the extent of the damage she had caused me. As we locked eyes, it felt like I was seeing her for the first time all over again. You were back, but it was too late. You weren't my wife anymore; you're my best friend. But why did it have to be so late?

"Why now? When all I can feel towards you is resentment."

"Lisa..." she reached out to touch me, but I instinctively stepped back.

"Why does it hurt so much to love you, Jen?" I continued, my voice trembling with emotion. "You know what? You've made me afraid of love... afraid of you." Tears keep streaming down our cheeks as the weight of the situation bore down on us. How did we end up like this? This wasn't at all what I had envisioned for us.

"So, please... make it stop, Jen," my heart cried out, torn apart by the unbearable pain. But why did it feel like you were hurting too, Jennie? Shouldn't I be the only one feeling this anguish?

Is it guilt? Regret? I'm lost in a sea of uncertainty.

"But, if my suffering still doesn't satisfy you, then I'll agree to stay married... Because being disowned by my own father was more agonizing, and I'm not sure if I can bear it," I managed to force a weak smile, though it felt hollow and empty.

She remained silent as I walked away, leaving her behind. I knew this wouldn't be easy; we were still tied together, whether at home or in the workplace.

But I'll try.

I hope I can...

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