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"Ma'am, here's the list," my secretary presented a folder, prompting me to carefully examine each entry.

As my eyes scanned the page, they came to a halt upon reaching the mention of specific name. A sense of familiarity came over me.

"Myoi Corp.?" I queried, as my curiosity piqued.

My secretary proceeded to provide a comprehensive overview, detailing Myoi Corp.'s esteemed status as one of Japan's foremost companies. Under the leadership of Mr. Akira Myoi, it had ascended to unparalleled heights of success and acclaim, its reputation for excellence unblemished by any controversies.

Moreover, the expansion of Myoi Corp. into Korea had proven to be a resounding triumph, with its branch swiftly establishing itself as a thriving and respected presence in the business landscape.

Upon absorbing this information, I felt an undeniable urge to explore further into the background and accomplishments of Mr. Akira Myoi and his company. It became increasingly evident that Myoi Corp.'s outstanding reputation was thoroughly earned, with its consistent track record of integrity and success standing as a testament to its exceptional leadership.

"Ma'am, tomorrow you have a meeting with her daughter," my secretary informed me, catching me off guard.

"Her daughter? Shouldn't it be Mr. Akira?" I questioned, my brow furrowed in confusion.

She handed me another folder, and as I opened it, I scanned the contents until my eyes landed on the name I read repeatedly, confirming the identity before me. Exhaling sharply, I realized it was indeed her.

"Ms. Mina Sharon Myoi is Mr. Akira's daughter," my secretary clarified, sensing my surprise. "She's consistently appointed by her father as his representative for crucial meetings, and she's also the sole heir of their company."

I didn't delve further into the details provided, as my primary concern revolved around the impending encounter between Lisa and Mina the next day.  The thought of being present to witness their encounter unsettled me deeply.

"Ma'am, do you need anything else?" My secretary's voice broke through my distracted thoughts.

I shook my head absentmindedly, my attention already drifting as she exited my office, leaving me unease.

Turning my chair to face the expansive window overlooking the sprawling landscape of Seoul, I allowed my imagination to roam freely. The image of Lisa and Mina engaging in a silent exchange of meaningful glances played out vividly in my mind. Leaning back in my chair, I interlocked my fingers, idly twirling a metal object between them.

Our wedding ring.

As I strolled out of my office, craving a cup of coffee to clear my mind, I happened to pass by Lisa's office. Through the glass pane, I could see her immersed in her computer screen, her expression grave and focused. My gaze drifted to her hand, searching for something.

With a subtle squint, I attempted to discern whether she was wearing her ring. However, to my dismay, the details eluded me in the dimly lit office space.

Suddenly, a collision jolted me from my scrutiny as one of Lisa's employees unexpectedly emerged in front of me. "Ah!" I exclaimed due to the impact. I quickly move to assist her in gathering her scattered belongings.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am" Her apologizing.

"No! Shocks, I'm sorry... I didn't see you," I apologized, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I handed her the things.

"Thank you, ma'am Jennie," she replied graciously, bowing her head in acknowledgment. As I turned my attention back to Lisa, I found her already staring at me blankly.

Feeling caught in the act, I offered a slight bow of apology, but she merely averted her gaze and resumed her intense focus on the computer screen. With a resigned sigh, I began to retreat, resigning myself to the notion of slipping away unnoticed. Yet, before Lisa completely faded from my vision, she reached across her desk, inadvertently revealing the glint of a ring adorning her finger.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, a subtle expression of amusement and satisfaction, seeing myself smiling through my reflection.

She's wearing it.

She's wearing it

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The image of her hand adorned with our wedding ring lingered in my mind, drawing my attention to my own hand where my ring rested. Pausing for a moment, I couldn't shake off the delightful feeling after.

But What is this... Why is my heart racing? I murmured to myself, feeling the erratic beats beneath my palm as I placed my hand over my chest, attempting to calm the sudden surge of emotions.

"Here's your order, Ma'am," the barista's voice interrupted my contemplation, bringing me back. I accepted the paper bags containing my order, but my mind remained preoccupied, the image of her hand and the unfamiliar sensations stirred within me lingering like an unresolved question in the depths of my thoughts.

Clutching two steaming espresso cups and a paper bag containing a pair of freshly baked croissants, I absently scrolled through my phone, intently leaving a message for Lisa's secretary to hand this goods to Lisa for me, as being oblivious to my surroundings.

Fate intervened again, as i collided with someone once more, the force causing our precious cargo to tumble to the unforgiving floor. Panic surged through me as I imagined the effect of this clumsy mishap.

"Oh god! I-I'm so sorry, I didn't-" the apologetic words trailed off as we both stooped to retrieve our scattered belongings, our eyes meeting in a moment of mutual recognition. A gasp escaped us simultaneously as the realization dawned, the food forgotten amidst unexpected encounter.

"Jennie?" Her voice cut through the haze of disbelief, her finger pointing at me.

I internally cursed the timing, there's still Mina, desperately pleading for it like i'm mistaken

No, please!

Not now!

Sent her back to where she came from!!

Sent her back to where she came from!!

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