Chapter 8

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 Bluepaw padded alongside her clanmates towards the Gathering. It was the first day of leaf-bare, and also Bluepaw's first Gathering.

 Even if leaf-bare just began, it was pretty cold, because Bluepaw began shivering before the island could be seen.

 ''I know how you feel.'' Dovepaw meowed, padding next to Bluepaw. ''The first journey to the Gathering is always a pain in the tail. But you'll get used to it.'' She meowed.

 Bluepaw nodded toward Dovepaw. She felt too tired to speak, although she didn't know why.

 After a while, she saw the island. Firestar padded toward the fallen branch, and his Clan followed him. They began to cross the branch.

 When Bluepaw's turn came, she froze. She had to cross a fallen branch to get to the island, and if she fell, she would have to swim in the cold lake. She shivered.

 ''It's all right.'' Brightheart whispered from behind her. ''You just have to walk straight forward. Don't look down, and dig your claws as deep as you want in the branch. But not too deep though, you might get stuck. I'll be right behind you.''

 Bluepaw nodded and jumped on the branch, shivering. She looked straight forward and, digging her claws in the branch, she crossed it. When she jumped on the island, she waited until all her clanmates did the same. When the whole ThunderClan was on the island, Firestar raised his tail, and Bluepaw's clanmates rushed forward. She followed them.

 A bunch of cats were in the middle of the island, talking. ShadowClan, RiverClan and WindClan were there. ThunderClan was the last Clan to arrive. Firestar jumped on the Great Oak and dipped his head toward the other leaders.

 Bluepaw looked around and padded toward a black she-cat. ''Hello.'' She meowed.

 The black she-cat turned and blinked. ''Oh, hi! You must be a ThunderClan cat, right? My name is Pinepaw, an apprentice of ShadowClan.''

 ''Nice to meet you.'' Bluepaw dipped her head. ''My name is Bluepaw.''

 ''Nice to meet you too.'' Pinepaw purred. 

 They started talking for a while, until Pinepaw turned her head. ''Look, the leaders are about to speak!''

 Bluepaw turned her head to look at the leaders. Pinepaw was right. The four leaders got up.

 ''Let the Gathering begin!'' Firestar yowled. ''Who wants to speak first?''

 ''I will.'' Blackstar meowed and stepped forward. The other leaders sat back down.

 ''ShadowClan doesn't have much to say.'' Blackstar meowed indifferently. ''Although leaf-bare has arrived, prey is still running well. ShadowClan is as strong as ever. We don't have any troubles hunting.''

 Bluepaw blinked in surprise and looked around, but the other cats didn't seem surprised or offended at Blackstar's words. This must be a normal thing to hear from him, then. Blackstar took a few steps backwards and sat down.

 Mistystar stepped forward. ''Leopardstar has sadly died. As her deputy, I took her place as RiverClan's leader. Reedwhisker is our new deputy.'' She meowed and nodded toward the black tom.

 ''Voletooth, Blackclaw, and Dawnflower have died too. RiverClan grieves for all of them.'' Mistystar continued. ''May StarClan welcome them all. But other than that, we're doing well and we're all recovering. The prey is running well.'' She then backed off and sat down.

 Firestar stepped forward. ''We have three new warriors. Bumblestripe, Blossomfall, and Briarlight. And a new apprentice too, Bluepaw.'' He meowed. ''Sadly, Longtail has died. That is all I had to announce.'' Firestar finished and backed off.

 Bluepaw blinked. I thought he was going to announce the tree that fell down in the camp.. or actually, I think it's better that he didn't.

 Onestar padded forward. ''Sedgewhisker is now a queen, as she is expecting Emberfoot's kits.'' He meowed. Then, he looked at Firestar. ''A patrol has recently caught a ThunderClan scent past the border. I hope you're going to do something about this.'' He hissed.

 ''My warriors did not cross the border, Onestar.'' Firestar dipped his head. ''Has the patrol saw them?''

 ''No.'' Onestar shook his head. ''But they caught ThunderClan scent in our territory.''

 ''Well, I'll talk about this when the Gathering is over with my Clan.'' Firestar meowed.

 Onestar looked at Firestar for a few more heartbeats, and then he looked back at the other cats. ''That is all WindClan had to announce.''

 ''Then the Gathering is over.'' Mistystar meowed, and the leaders jumped down. Bluepaw said a quick goodbye to Pinepaw, then hurried toward Firestar, who started to gather his cats.

 When all of ThunderClan was present, Firestar began to lead them back to camp.

 ''Did you send any patrols near the WindClan border recently?'' Bluepaw heard Firestar ask Brambleclaw.

 ''I did, actually.'' Brambleclaw meowed. ''The last patrol I sent to the WindClan border consisted of Spiderleg, Thornclaw and Cloudtail.''

 ''When we get back to camp, can you send them in my den?'' Firestar asked.

 ''Of course.'' Brambleclaw meowed. Then, he whispered something that Bluepaw didn't hear.

 When they reached the camp, the cats already began rushing toward their dens. Bluepaw wanted to go towards the apprentices' den, but she was stopped by Brightheart.

 ''Bluepaw, I wanted to tell you that I think you are ready to become a warrior. Tomorrow, you will be having your final training. If you pass it, I'll tell Firestar to make you a warrior.'' Brightheart purred.

 Bluepaw blinked, shocked. ''A-Are you serious? You really think I'm ready to become a warrior?''

 ''Of course!'' Brightheart purred. ''Now come on, get a good rest. Tomorrow won't be an easy training day, you know. I'll tell you more tomorrow.''

 ''All right. Thank you, Brightheart, you are the best mentor a cat could have asked for.'' Bluepaw dipped her head and hurried toward the apprentices' den. She padded in and curled up in her nest. She then fell asleep.

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