Chapter 15

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Mist That Appears Before Dawn

 Mist twitched her ears as she heard her name. She turned around and then froze. She expected to see a Tribemate, such as another prey-hunter asking her if she would like to hunt, but instead she saw her sister, Blue. Alive and looking well-feed, standing right in front of her.

 ''Blue?'' She whispered, getting up. She kept shaking her head to make sure this wasn't a dream, but every time she stopped, her sister was still standing in front of her.

 ''It's you! I finally see you again!'' Blue exclaimed and jumped right on Mist, pinning her down. 

 She let out a purr and playfully hit her sister's belly with her back paws. ''I missed you so much!''

 ''So did I. I knew it! I knew that you were here at the mountains, and I knew that you didn't die!'' Blue purred and affectionately touched her sister's ear with her nose. ''I was so worried.''

 ''So was I.'' Mist whispered, feeling like a huge weight was lifted from her shoulders. ''It's so good to see you again! Where have you been?''

 Blue opened her jaws to speak, but was stopped by a growl. She backed off and Mist got up. She then saw Stoneteller look at them coldly. Blue lowered her gaze and padded back to a group of cats Mist never saw before. She then backed off and sat next to Snow, the cat she was talking to before Blue called her.

 ''Who was that? You two looked so happy to see each other. Is she your sister?'' Snow whispered, but Mist didn't respond.

 After a few heartbeats, Stoneteller looked at the group of cats, still looking cold. ''Why are you all here?''

 A gray tabby tom took a step forward. ''I had a vision saying that I must come to the mountains. We're here to help you.''

 ''The Tribe doesn't need your help!'' Stoneteller snapped, arching his back, but he quickly began coughing and backed off. Then, he looked at the tom again. ''You shouldn't have come here.''

 ''But-'' The tom tried to protest, but a ginger she-cat put her tail over his back. 

 ''It's all right, Jayfeather.'' She meowed, then looked at Stoneteller. ''We can't leave yet. We've only just arrived! We're sure the Tribe needs help. At least let us stay here for a while.''

 Jayfeather let out a snort, while Stoneteller didn't respond. Instead, he only looked at the group in silence. After a while, he nodded. ''Very well.'' And then he turned and padded away, followed quickly by Jayfeather.

 After Stoneteller disappeared in his den, Blue quickly rushed toward Mist, who greeted her sister with a lick on her ears.

 ''I don't know what to say.'' Blue whispered. ''We haven't seen each other for so long.. I can hardly believe you're in front of me right now.''

 ''Same.'' Mist nodded, feeling emotional. ''But it's real, this isn't a dream.''

 ''I know, I'm just.. shocked, in a good way.'' Blue purred, then looked around. ''So, you joined the Tribe?''

 ''Yes, actually. I'm Mist That Appears Before Dawn now.''

 ''That's a long name.'' Blue blinked. ''Mine's way shorter than that. I'm Bluewing now.''

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