Day 2 Perseverance

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Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.


The moment we start to look at the world is the moment that we start losing the race against our flesh. Fear could overtake love, envy could creep in, and pride might destroy our faith. Then we become tired; we want to go back and just forget about everything—this race in faith and our purpose.

When this happen, remember three things that God tells us in Deuteronomy 31:6

1. Be fearless. It says to be strong and take courage. Take a step of faith. Once you have become the son/daughter of God, you already have the same power that raised Jesus from the grave. You have the authority to destroy the threats of your faith, you have power over your enemy (Luke 10:19). You are strong. You just have to acknowledge the Holy Spirit in you, the spirit of power and love (2 Tim. 1:7).

2. Focus on God. The verse says "He is striding ahead of you. He's right there with you." He is beside you to walk with you. He is ahead of you to prepare your path, and He is also behind you so He could protect you from the sly of the enemy. He is around you so that there will be no way for you to look at others while you run your own race.

The moment we gaze upon others or be distracted by the enemy, our momentum is already disturbed, which might cause us to stumble over envy. Yet God doesn't want that for us. As much as possible, He wants us to finish the race, strong, faithful and right on His time.

3. Be secured in Him. One thing that pulls us away from God is when we tend to find security apart from Him. We take pride from our achievements, people, and material things, which we thought could secure us.

In this verse, God elucidated that He will never leave us defeated, lost, and weary in the battle. He provides and He sustains His children. Once a children of God, you will never lack anything, nor should be anxious about your provision (Matthew 6:26).

In Him, you are secured. He assures us that because other things apart from Him will always fail to give us lasting security.

So be strong in the Lord because nothing could go wrong with Him.


Memorize today's Scripture, write it down, or put it somewhere you can read easily to get reminded of this truth each day.

Pray to God to help you live the spirit of power and love, pray for a heart the perseveres in every trial.


I hope you learned something in our Day 2.
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God bless. ♡

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