Day 10 Intentional Love

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1 Corinthians 16:14
Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do.


Today, we will deal with being intentional in loving God and people. Let's revisit this scripture that has already been repeatedly shared online or being cited on many preaching that you've heard. This simple verse, when we really realize its worth, is a great advice in following the Lord's commandment that we read yesterday.

In your daily hustle, sometimes you forget this verse and thought that you've been doing you best, but in reality, without love for it, for who you're doing it for, and for the Lord, everything is really just a routine.

At this point of time, the previous verse, 1 Corinthians 16:13 can be of help.

Keep watch. Be conscious and intentional in your actions towards others. As Gary Chapman says in his book God Speaks Your Love Language, "If we only do what comes naturally and express love to God in our usual manner, it is possible that even a relationship with God will become a routine."

Moreover, this also encourages us to be careful with our actions and intentions. The goal in doing good thing is not to give glory to oneself but to God alone. We love not because so that others will see what we're capable of, but we love nonetheless so that people might see the grace that changes everything.

Stand firm in the faith. As James said, faith without action is dead. The more you stand firm in faith, the more you could obey God's command, so that this faith will conceive action, an action that the Lord will be please, and action that is a sweet aroma for the Lord.

Act like men, be strong. This is not a gender bias but to give you an illustration, men commonly are physically stronger than women. And they are commonly the ones who are brought out to fight in wars before. 

This teaches us to be braver every day, and not let fear and incapability hinder us to do things with love. It says to be bold in action even against our feelings to be able to follow God.

Even when you don't like it, even when you're tired, even when you're neglected, love anyway. Because those people who love continually have peace and joy. You can love intentionally because God loves you intentionally.

"Give it all you've got, and love without stopping." (1 Corinthians 16:14 MSG)


Memorize today's scripture or place it somewhere you can see as a reminder.

Ask God for grace to help you do things, your work, your responsibilities, your studies, with love.


I hope you learned something in our Day 10.
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God bless. ♡

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