Day 16 Worth The Pain

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John 9:1-3
As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.


Relational hurt (from families, friends, or someone you thought you'd marry), failures even with the plans you thought were going well, or just regrets from the decisions you've made, these things just brought you pain. Pains that have been lurking maybe for a very long time now. Healing mostly composed your long prayers.

While waiting for complete healing, your mind might be fully distracted by the possible reasons why pain is inflicted upon you. Is it because of your sins, by your mistakes perhaps? Or you may be accidentally got involved by other's mistakes, you think.

Yet whatever reason there may be—overthinking about it will only waste your time and make you more devastated—it had to happen.

It hurts; that's basically what pain is. But just like a child who cries to the mother for help, cry out to God. It hurts but let it draw you closer to God. Cry out to Him more and have more of Him. Healing doesn't come in an instant, but it will gradually consume you as you consume Christ.

As what Steven Furtick said, the place where the nails were, is the same place where healing is. Go back to the cross and see the nails, the suffering, and how the Sufferer has endured every pain of every man for all generation. Jesus had it worst and He had yours.

Let Jesus' suffering at the cross share with your mourning and hurting today and let His victory over death encourage you to be expectant of His great work and revelations. Just as Jesus was risen from the grave, from your wounds 'til they become scars, let them be an evidence of the power of God, not only for you to see but for others to be edified as well.

Remember that your scars aren't bleeding anymore, and they are there to serve as an evidence of God's healing power. Your pain is not an accident, and it's not of no worth. Its ultimate purpose is for God's glory to be magnified in your sorrow.

Because God is not only at the finish line. He is also there beside you in every moment of pain.


Write the things that still remind you of a trauma or pain. Cross them out one by one once you healed from them. Some may heal immediately, others might take a while, and that's okay, don't get upset over yourself.

Pray victory over them and pray God's healing truth in these verses: Isaiah 53:4-5; Isaiah 38:16-17; Jeremiah 33:6


I hope you learned something in our Day 16.
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God bless. ♡

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