Day 3 Storm-proof

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John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."


One thing that we know when we started our journey with God is that there will always be storms coming. We are not promised a storm-free life, but actually more of it. The Bible says so in John 16:33.

When we feel tired and pained, we try to back down, away from the destination that God has prepared for us. Things are just getting more miserable, and we tend to question God if this is really the kind of life He wants us to have.

Relationships get tainted, exhausting job at the office or job applications being rejected, self-centered people who try to destroy you, loans with interest that has been growing rapidly, grades at school that can hardly be saved, and ultimately, persecution.

It is easy to stop caring and just forget about your faith, and go back to where you used to be, before you met the Lord.

Going back to that time before knowing the Lord will just make things worse because we're weak on our own. Yet God reminds us that we may be weak, but with Him, we are strong. Even though storms are bound to happen, God promises us a storm-proof life.

He is our great Defender, our mighty Father. He will always guide us and lead us to a place where He prepared for us, not to where He isn't going. And that place is always for our own good.

In our journey, we are always covered and protected with love and strength.

So go on. Continue moving forward while loving and honoring the Lord and His people. Let your heart be strong in the center of God's will. Rest your heart in the right place, under the wings of the Almighty.

When you have God, you will never walk alone.

He will never let you be drowned by the overwhelming problems and pains. Yes, it's painful and difficult but it will never amount to what's in store for you. He wants you to let Him carry every burden so that you could focus on your goal: glorify God and love His people.


Pray that God will reveal to you the things you need to leave behind, the things you need to change, and the things you need to strengthen your faith in God.

Ask God for your heart to rest in His presence and to fix your eyes on Him.


I hope you learned something in our Day 3.
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God bless. ♡

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