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Hello everyone!

What day are you already today? Hope that you've been enjoying the material and making the best out of your time with the Lord.

I now made this material into an ebook. Don't worry, I won't remove this story here. But in case you're interested in buying the ebook, here's what's in it for you.

+ The ebook is edited and proofread, the one here is not (you'll see some sentences with wrong semantics or grammar).
+ It has a guide and a better intro than what you've read here.
+ It has a featured quote each day.
+ It has an encouragement at the end of the book to continue meditating on God's Word.

It is nicely flat laid and, of course, without ads. 😌

If you're interested, or even if not (hehe just to visit my blog 😊), you can check it out here:

That's it!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and spread the word.

Luv y'all! ♡

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