Chapter 6 (zach)

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By two-thirty jack was asleep. He had fallen asleep literally in the middle of a conversation about mosquitoes on the mattress next to me. I sighed sadly and listened as a few cars passed by the house. Where would anyone be going at this time of night? Weirdos...

I looked back over at Jack, who had now rolled over onto his back. His chest rose and fell slowly as he breathed. He looked so peaceful. I smiled for a second but soon that smile was gone again. I felt kinda bad. Was it my fault that Emma broke up with me? Did she know I like Jack? Probably not... But we were still friends... So I guess that was okay. I loved Jack. I needed to stop thinking about all the negative things. Yeah... Focus on the positives Zach. There was rustling noise from behind me, making me jump and almost tip backwards. It had literally just been Jack moving his foot. Something in the corner of the bookshelf caught my eye as i turned back around. I stood up, carefully as not to wake the curly haired boy who was sleeping so peacefully beside Me. I made my way over a pile of sweaters, to the bookshelf And gently pulled out the book that had stood out to me. Not book. Diary. A diary. A Dream journal or something. It had jacks name scribbled in the corner in the boys messy, spidery handwriting. I Gingerly opened the book to a random page. Written in the margin was 'random dreams:' i was curious now. I carefully flicked through the diary until I went past something thst stood out to me. I was sure, no... I was absolutely positive i had seen my own name in there somewhere. I flicked back a few pages until i stopped on a page with ・Zach・written in the middle of the page. Nothing that interesting. I went through a few more pages.

Loneliness and Secrets=fucked :(

What does that mean? I thought anything to do with me?

At the bottom of the page, jack had doodled a small, messy heart. Below that heart,


A heart? I understood that Jack liked me. He had told me that. But how much?

On the next page, somewhere in the middle of November,




Wow that's deep... I thought. Again, a noise from behind me made me jump. But it was nothing. Just Jack, moving in his sleep. Slowly and carefully, i placed the book back In its spot, a million thoughts running through my head. 

𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 ❥ 𝑗𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑦Where stories live. Discover now