Chapter 8 (jack)

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I was so screwed. Zach read my diary. All my private stuff was in that. Now he must know that I never liked gabbie... That I only like guys. Then I realised something else something awful. Zach probably knew what happened before gabbie had left me... The thing that happened that i regret so so much. I actually had cheated on her.. I'm sure he knew.. I checked my phone for the time: 4:54am. I heard a door open and turned around to face ava, who was in slippers and a dressing gown. "What was all that about? Were you and Zach having a fight or something? " she questioned, rubbing her eyes. I shrugged and continued to the kitchen, ignoring her. I grabbed a glass from the shelf in the corner and jerked the tap on and filled the glass, a little water spilling over the top and dribbling down my sleeve. I switched the glass to my other hand and shook the water off my wrist and off my sleeve before it could soak in. I set the glass down as pulled myself up onto the counter.

I slowly trudged back to my bedroom where zach sat, head in his hands, sobbing quietly. "Zach...?" i whispered softly, causing the older boy to look up slightly, peeking over his knees at me. He sniffled and brought his head back down to his knees. I slowly sat down beside him on the mattress, holding the glass out to him. He took it hesitantly a tiny bit of water jumping over the rim of the glass. "Im sorry i yelled at you...." i mumbled shakily. I licked my lips slightly, moistening them as they were very dry. "Im so sorry jack. I shouldnt have touched your stuff without-"

"Zach its ok" i say quickly, cutting him off "it doesn't matter. I thought about it. Im not mad anymore... ". He looked up at me, his eyes puffy and red from crying.

"You're not?" i shook my head, slowly wrapping my arm around his shoulders. I layed against him, resting my head in the crook of his neck, my forehead pressed against his cheek. I could tell that he was blushing. I smiled, staring into the darkness of my bedroom, the only light source the tiny blinking red light on the Bluetooth speaker at my bedside. I really was in love with this boy. "Jack i really am sorr-" he began, only to be once again cut off. "Zach. Its okay Calm down. Its not a big deal" i took the blanket from beside me and draped it over zachs shoulders "i know I was kinda mad at the time but you already knew most of that stuff". I felt him move, probably nodding. Next came the question i had been dreading since the moment i came back into the room. "So you're gay?"

I sat in absolute silence for an entire two minutes, maybe longer and then said "yes. And ive been thinking... Im not sure if im ready for another relationship just yet... I don't think im in the right headspace to.. You know.. Settle down.."

I looked up just as the tiny red led illuminated the room. "Oh. So you don't want to be with me?.."

I sighed. "Zach.... Just because i can't be with you doesn't mean i don't like you. Im just not ready for that kind of commitment just yet"

He nodded slowly "ok....i understand that....but  what i don't understand, is why you were so upset about gabbie leaving you if you're into guys."

i sighed "i don't know zach... She was more of a friend to than a girlfriend. I only every really felt a....friendship-y connection between us... But you and me..well thats a way different Story to the gabbie thing"


"I am really into you zach....ive never ever liked anyone the way i like you. You already know that i like you but its more than that. Its more... Love... Then like...."

I shrugged and removed my arm from around him "just like like.... But if you don't feel

That strongly for me then i understand" at this, he shook his head frantically

"No no no i do l like you that much. But um.... About you and gabbie..."

Shit. Here we go. "You cheated on her..." he said, looking down

there it is... "Zach even if we dont actually... Officially date im not gonna do that to you. I love you. A lot. Like.. A lot. "

Suddenly a thought popped into my head, Completely out of the blue, that said Kiss him. 

If there are mistakes (hah) im sorry i couldn't be bothered to edit it I just hope you managed to make sense of it. IM SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE FOR 300 YEARS LOVE YOU BYE 

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