Chapter 9 (Jack)

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It really was just the two of us, sitting close enough together that our faces were almost touching. The darkness around us was almost comforting. My heart was racing so fast that i was afraid that Zach would be able to hear it. I felt my cheeks start to heat up as a blush spread across my face. There was a moment of complete silence. And then, hesitantly at first, I leaned in. But at the exact moment just before our lips were about to connect, zach suddenly moved back, shuffling away from me a little.

"I-...zach I'm so sorry i thought you wanted-"

"I do jack. I really do" he sighed "its just-....i don't know...i'm sorry.. "

I blinked a few times, blushed slightly and then looked down at the floor.

"Jack.." he placed his hand gently on my leg, "you have no idea how much you mean to me, okay? You mean the world to me. You're just so... Special. You're.. You're beautiful. I mean.. Look at you! Look at you... You're the most beautiful boy in the known universe.". He looked back up at me.

"But Zach-"

"Jack you're a phenomenal human being. You're beautiful, youre- you're kind, you're.-"

"Zach- Zach Stop. "

As I looked at him.. The way he was looking back at me.. Kind of hurt. Even in the almost completely dark room I could see his bottom lip was trembling slightly.

"I.... I'm gonna go back to sleep..." I mumbled "elanas party is tomorrow...and we have school..."

"Right..." he stood up and went and sat on his bed as I layed back down on my mattress on my floor, bringing my knees up to my chest and yanking the blanket in an attempt to pull it back over my body. I kinda pulled it too hard. It flew a little to far and fell back down over my face. I groaned and just layed there, pulling it back down until It was no longer covering my face.

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder gently and opened my eyes to see Zach standing over me. "We're gonna be late" he hissed "get. Up". Damn. I thought. Someone' s woken up on the wrong side of the bed. "Time?" I asked rolling over to look at him.


Shit. We were gonna be really late.

We were indeed late. So late, in fact, that we were both given a detention. I sat in my seat beside Corbyn, Zach in his beside some girl whose name I had forgotten. I rummaged through my pencil case for my pen, pulled it out and began scribbling down notes.

Halfway through the class I remembered what had happened the night before. I had tried to kiss Zach. And he hadn't been into that idea. Suddenly I was lost in my thoughts.

"And Jack the answer would be...?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by the teacher, Mrs. King's loud voice right beside me. "Uh- uh S-seven?" I stammered, earning a few giggles from around the class room. "Jack you're in English" Mrs. King put her hands on her hips "please focus" she said, going back to her teaching. "Jack are you okay..?" Corbyn asked, nudging me with his elbow.

"I don't know" I whispered back

"What's going on..? Is it something to do with Zach?"

I shook my head "no nothings going on"

"Are you sure? You guys are best friends and he keeps giving you greasy looks" Corbyn said, looking over at Zach without moving his head to make it less obvious.

"He looks a little upset"

"It's fine. Nothing happened "

"You've been staring at Zach the entire class." he whispered, nodding his head towards Zach. "Wait do you like him? Like are you ga-" I quickly smacked a hand over his mouth

"Shut up!" I hissed

"So You are gay?" he whispered, though it was muffled enough by my hand that it was hard to understand.

"No!" I yelled, standing up so quickly the desk toppled over "of course I'm not!" Corbyn looked at me, a little taken aback that I had shouted at him like that. The whole class was staring at me now. I felt tears beginning to form, stinging my eyes. I took a step back and ran out of the classroom. I ran down the hall and into the ambulant bathroom, locking the door. I sat on the floor, tears were streaming down my face now, blurring my vision. I pulled my legs up to my chest and let out a choked sob.

As the lunch bell rang, I walked out of the bathroom and over to my locker. People were staring at me. A group of girls whispered among one another as they passed me in the hall. What's going on? I thought, beggining to get uncomfortable with all these people looking at me at once. I immediately knew what this was about when a girl from my biology class walked past, her boyfriend at her arm whispering something to him.

"See? Thats Jack Avery."

"the gay one?"

"Yea that's the one"

I stopped dead in my tracks. I already knew what had happened. Shit. I turned and started to run back down the hallway l the opposite way to which I had come. I Sprinted outside in the direction of the most graffiti covered wall in the whole school. I stopped in front of it and my eyes widened in sheer horror. Spray painted across the white brick wall in enourmous red letters were the words 'Jack Avery is a fag'. Tears began to fill my eyes for the second time that day as I turned around and took of back into the bathroom. 

 *not properly proof read*

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