Chapter Five

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We were out in the cold, shivering like idiots, waiting for Leo to come out. At least the warmth of my bruised cheek and adrenaline was helping me take on the weather, even with such skimpy clothes.

Jake couldn't bare to even look at me, and I couldn't blame him. I was disgusting.

"How could you, Dylan? You knew how much she meant to me, and how much I still..." Jake let out, as he leaned on the wall.

"I'm sorry, Jake." I apologised genuinely. But I couldn't control the huge painful pang in my chest and the acute feeling of jealousy for the girl. It hurt to see him act like that over a person that he broke up with months ago.

"Why? You said you didn't even like her? Why did you do this to me, what did it achieve?"

"Listen. Jake. I'm sorry. Fuck, you might hate me for what I'm about to say, but please don't stop being my best friend. I don't know where I'll be without you." I say, with a somber smile. Jake eventually glances at me, raising an eyebrow.

"What is it?" He asked, squinting in confusion. I sighed, about to confess my absolute adoration for him when...



Why isn't it coming out?

This was supposed to be the moment I confess my love to him, pull out the ring the was in my nonexistent pocket and slip it on his finger, picking him up bridal style and whisking him away to Barbados. But perhaps the years of keeping it all together fucked me up. Fucked the situation up.

I bit my lip.

Well, I had to do something.

I licked my lips nervously, walking towards him and pulling him into a kiss. As if on cue the party had transitioned to what seemed like setting and firing fireworks outside in the Russo's garden and cheering like drunk people which most of them were.

The bliss I felt when he kissed back. Fuck. If I could relive that moment I would, over and over again. The way he seemed so precious as he grasped onto my arm, not knowing what to do. Everything seemed so perfect, even with the given situation.

When we parted, I couldn't help but give him a smug look, the happiness that welled so much inside exposing itself on my face. Jack pushes me away and me being my rather dumb self thought that Jack actually didn't like it.

"Shit, sorry, I'm so sorry." I blurted. Jack blinks. Before laughing. Huh? I eased up, grinning.

"I—" he was about to say something, before we notice Leo charge out of the mansion, dashing towards us. Knowing instantly of what's happening we follow behind him, rushing away to his house. Oh shit. Was he caught?

Once we finally arrived, completely exhausted from the run, I hear Leo's laughter.

Jake and I exchange glances.

"Leo, did they catch you?" Jake asked, worried.

"Yes. No. Kind of?" Leo slurs with a smile, still panting. Then why the hell did we run all this way here for? I could see Jake felt the same way, giving him a dangerous look.

"Alright. Alright. I found someone. And I realised that my love for Rosa was just my immaturity speaking. I did not know what love was, until I met her. She was so beautiful, an angel in fact and we...we kissed and it felt amazing. It was love at first sight." Leo explains wistfully.

I grinned, patting him on the back.

"Well done, man.."

"Okay, that's great Leo. But why the hell did we run all the way back?" Jake queried impatiently.

"Well, as we were kissing, we nearly got caught so I had to escape. She's also the Russo's... er daughter."

I facepalmed. Leo Romano was absolutely ridiculous and I loved it.

"Oh goddamnit. Out of every girl in that party, you chose to kiss Russo's daughter?" Jake couldn't believe it. Leo scratches his head.

"I didn't know that until her nurse called for her!" Leo defends himself. Jake inhales deeply.

"Lets just head inside, my legs are fucking freezing." I grumble. Jake glances at me. And soon enough, my face heats up. I guess that was an immediate solution to the cold.

Jake then glances back at Leo who returns the look and then the both of them gaze at my rather bare legs with only fishnet socks on them, before bursting into laughter.

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