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Welcome guys, gals, and nonbinary pals; to the first ever (to my knowledge) collaborative fantribe for Wings of Fire!

I've been interested in creating a fantribe and I thought it would be fun to make it a fun process we can all go through together!

If you couldn't tell already, this is a book dedicated to creating a fantribe together. We will be democratically determining the details for this to create something we're all proud of!

I will now proceed to bonk you all in the head with the details (READ IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS IS ABOUT IN ADDITION TO RULES):

-This will be a pretty methodical process. We'll go through all of the basics that are needed to create a fantribe in a step-by-step order. Each aspect that is needed for a fantribe will be divvied up into three sections: Brainstorming, Discussion, and Decision.
*Brainstorming: Quickfire ideas for the topic. Comment whatever you want that relates to the aspect the chapter is about. For example, if the topic is "colors", you can comment whatever colors you want the tribe to sport.
*Discussion: After a day of brainstorming (maybe more depending on how many ideas we have), we will move onto the discussion part of the process, in which we will look at all of the brainstormed ideas and come to an agreement about which ideas will be used for the fantribe. Going back to the color example, if someone commented "neon orange", we will discuss whether that is an appropriate color for the fantribe. If necessary, we will vote.
*Decision: This will be published after I believe that we have come to an agreement about the aspect in question. This part will just state what we have agreed on and will now become canon to the fantribe. Again with the color example; if we collectively agreed that neon orange is a suitable color for the fantribe, I will say so in this chapter.

-This process will be repeated for each of the aspects.

-There are two groups that will be involved in this: Members and the Council.
*Council: Involved in all steps. You will need to be active in this, be a good mediator, and not get upset if your ideas don't get used as well as support other's ideas.
*Member: Brainstorms and can chip in with opinions, but ultimately doesn't get the final say. This should be a bigger group than the Council.

-Note that you can not participate in this unless you join one of the groups.

-To be a Member, you need to vote on this chapter. To be a part of the Council, you need to vote on both this chapter and the divider following the "Participant List" and this chapter.

---EDIT: For the sake of the Member group being larger than the Council group, as long as you see this you cannot join the Council; only the Member group. This will change once we get 8 Members and the project starts. So if you vote, you become a Member, whether you devote on the Divider chapter or not---

-I will post a list to record all of the Members and Council.

Got all that?


Now that you know how this all will work, lets just slap on some chatting rules:

-If you are a Member, don't act as if you're Council

-Be welcoming to new people and ideas; don't immediately dismiss a proposal just because of the person it's coming from

-ABSOLUTELY NO BULLYING, putting others down, ostracizing, or any of the like.

-Failure to abide by these rules will result in exclusion from the project.

-Don't delete your comments or otherwise retract your ideas/thoughts. This is a collaborative project, and anything you comment is fair game for the fantribe to use. In the Discussion chapters, you can say (at the appropriate time) that you would rather have your idea not to be used. Just don't remove your comments on the Brainstorm chapters.

-Don't be selfish about your ideas. We are not going copyright-happy here. For credit, I will refer everyone to the "Participant List". Also, in the Decision chapters, I will say who thought of which idea.

I hope this is all clear to everyone.

Ha. Whoops! I didn't even talk about the basics of the fantribe. 

Welp, better do that now-

This fantribe is called the Wattwings, which are named such because a) It's created on Wattpad and b) It's going to be electricity/storm based (watts are a measurement of electricity)!

You'll want to keep that in mind when considering abilities, appearance, history, society...basically it's important.

Okay! Everybody ready to be a part of something that will hopefully be fun, bonding, and rewarding?

Get voting!

🍭 Wattwings | A Collaborative Wings of Fire FantribeWhere stories live. Discover now