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Brainstorming! This is where we comment our ideas for the abilities of the Wattwings!

The comments here will be the material we work with for the next two chapters (and more later). Say whatever comes to mind!

It is not necessary to reply to comments, but if you do, I'd appreciate it if you kept it positive/constructive criticism to approve of/build upon other's ideas.

As for some examples, someone could comment, "Maybe they could absorb water through their scales? Kinda like how frogs hydrate, so they could get something out of falling rainwater-"; "Aerodynamic=good to survive in storms=good"; "Males should have booming voices like thunder".

And if someone wanted to reply to those comments, they could say something along the lines of (responding to the first comment first):

* "Ooh yes! Seawater should be toxic to them somehow and they shouldn't be able to absorb it. Maybe they literally can't go into saltwater! Also I think that their wing membranes should be waterproof and the water just slides right off (saltwater and freshwater) so it's easier for them to fly"

* "That makes sense, good idea!"

* "I could see that being cool, but maybe it should either be optional or at least not too extreme (unless not extreme is what you were going for lol). Maybe males have an echo to their voice?"

Let's get it started!

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