Taking a bullet for you~~

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Time haded passed from the last incident and it was now Friday night and everybody in class 1-A, even Bakugou were hanging out in the common room. Then suddenly Sero asked, "This is a random question, but would you take a bullet for someone in this room?"
"Why would I risk my fucking life for some random extra?" Asked Bakogou, well more like a yelled.
Bakugou were ignored while others thought their answers. But they didn't need much time for that because it was an easy question and everybody would probably do it for someone okay maybe not everybody like Bakugou or Todoroki because the first one was Bakugou and Todoroki wasn't sure.
"Of course I'd if it would save somebody." Answered Uraraka and Iida nodded next to her.
"It's super manly to save others so of course, I'd do that to my friends." Yelled Kirishima while wist bumping air?
Mineta was saying something that, if he'd get a reward from the girls we would gladly do it.
That little piece of shit.
And then there was Midoriya.
"I'd take a bullet for everybody even if they were villains," Midoriya said happily but then thought again and continued, "Well everybody but that purple pervert and the angry blonde."
Everybody turned to him after that. Bakugou was first to speak, "You are fucking immortal and you'd do it even you weren't, you suicidal bastard. And I wouldn't need your help, Deku!" Others nodded at the first part while Midoriya just smiled at them.
And then Momo continued, "I'm sure you'd die just because you can and to make us panic about it."
"That is true," He just simply said and pulled a knife from his pocket. 
"Why you have that? Wait, Midoriya don't-" That was all they could say before there was a knife in Midoriya's chest and blood coming from his mouth.
"You should see your faces," Midoriya said while coughing blood, and then he dropped dead in front of their eyes, again.
After that Aizawa-sensei wouldn't allow anything sharp to Midoriya and he was searched for weapons every day next month.
Midoriya did not like that but too bad for him :) because nobody cares. Well, they do care about him but they want to live a week or couple without Midoriya trying to kill himself and that's what he gets because he had weapons casually in his pocket. 

But for some reason, they don't force him to get therapy or maybe the author is just lazy bit*h :)

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