All Might meets immortal boy (1)

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14-year-old Midoriya was walking home after the usual bad day. Well, almost usual day because today his bully, Bakugou had told him to kill himself to get quirk.

The blond boy didn't know that he had already done that last year and the boy discovered that he was immortal.

Good to say that Midoriya wasn't happy about his new "quirk" because, all he wanted was to die and leave this world but NO! His quirk wouldn't allow that and the quirk wouldn't help his bullying at school at all.

If he told that to others, they'd think that he had finally gotten mad if he already wasn't because, of his quirkless hero dream.

Also, they'd happily test this new "immortal" quirk and starting calling him some kind of monster that wouldn't die after they wouldn't succeeds to kill him.

Okay maybe his classmates wouldn't go that far but Midoriya was sure that Bakugou would love to try to kill him if he was "immortal".

So he never told others that he was immortal and ignored all the mean things that others said to him and continued his journey to U.A and maybe trying to kill himself at weekends.

Now back to what Midoriya was doing.

He was going under a bridge and failed to notice a villain that came from the sewerage. When the young boy noticed the villain, it was too late because second later he couldn't move because of the sludge form of the villain. He started to panic more when he couldn't breathe anymore because of the sludge that was covering his mouth and nose.

'I'm dying? Wait I can't because I'm immortal and so what if I die. I would try to kill myself at home so the villain is just doing me a favor.' So after that, he just relaxed and the villain thanked him and told him that he was his hero or some shit.

Well that's nice?

Midoriya smiled with the little power he had and let his eyelids drop and welcomed the darkness with open arms.

Midoriya was already dead because the Sludge villain, when All Might came saying 'I am here!' or something. After All Might punched the shit out of the villain and put the sludge thing inside of two random bottles and then finally saw the young boy he couldn't save, now dead and face blue.

After tearing a little bit because the boy who had died because he had taken to much time in the sewerage. The man was ready to leave but stopped when heard deep breath taken sharply.

He was alone right? Only him and the dead boy?

All Might turned around to see just minute ago dead boy, now alive.

The boy saw All Might there looking shocked and creepy smile came to the small boys face before the boy opened his mouth and said to number one hero,

"Suprise, All Might. I'm immortal."

A/N: Sorry to keep you waiting for a new chapter. I was super lazy for continuing this story and I got ideas for other stories and some other stuff. Also, I wried this chapter because I wanted to write what would have happened when immortal Midoriya meets All Might and Idk? And as you can see, I hope you can see, but anyway there will be part 2 because this chapter is already a lot longer than other chapters and I want to write more to this chapter but as I said, it's getting long.

I hope you don't mind that this seems to be different from what I wrote in other chapters.

And you probably won't need to wait for part 2 too long because I'm in a happy mood and I got what is going to happen already in my mind.

(That was what I sayed but look at me right now.)

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