In The Space, Alone

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Midoriya didn't know what happened. Was it some kind of weapon? A quirk?

Whatever it was, it destroyed the earth and killed everybody.

Well everybody but Midoriya because you can't kill immortal even if he wanted to be killed.

So because of some reason that Midoriya didn't know he was now in space all alone, watching the sun all alone, now when earth and everybody else was gone.

"Uuuugh this is so boring. I don't have anything with me that would kill me, I just have to wait to drift closer to the sun to get burned and hopefully die."

But that would take an eternity to even get so close to the sun what if it didn't work?

He would be just drifting in space till what? Eternity? No, thank you.

Maybe he would get to some random planet and even meet some weird aliens that were a long time ago in movies.

Were there any more astronauts in space? They where a thing before quirk but what happened to them? If he had a piece of good luck maybe there would be still astronauts and they would take him with them.

But whit the luck he had that wouldn't be possible because God seemed to hate him for some reason or maybe he was 'the new Jesus' and he wanted him to do something and then end his life???

Why was his life so weird? He only wanted to die but what he gets? Immortal life while others died for some god random reason.

Did God want him to get crazy? Because he was really close that at the moment.

Maybe it all is just a simulation of how they would react if they would be only one alive. Yeah, Nedzu would do that but he would probably still got him in some kind of spacesuit and not let him die like every 5 minutes in space with his quirk. Right? And why did it had to be in space? Wouldn't radioactive land had worked better?

Or maybe life was just one big simulation like Matrix and this was some kind of glitch?




Okay, 15 years old immortal kid named Midoriya Izuku was going officially crazy in space and there was no way avoiding it.

A/N: Thanks for reading and sorry for waiting for a chapter. I got this idea from @FatmanAlthani so thanks again for that. It took so long because I didn't know what really to write even when I already got a great idea, so hope you liked this chapter.

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