First meeting

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(A/N I don't own anything! :3 )

You walked down the side walk close to your house. You just moved to Japan after getting a job offer that you accepted, It was a dream come true ofcourse, but, you felt alone. You always liked Japan, but you never thought of living there. The culture was much differend from what you were used to. You had to leave your family and friends. Here in Japan, you had no friends or people you knew,well if you didn't count Chiho. Chiho liked you very much, she thought you were cool, coming from differend country and all. Honestly, you thought she was kind of annoying at times. It's not the fact that she's younger than you, your bestfriend, or now your ex bestfriend was younger than you and that was no problem, it was that she was like all normal school girls, fangirling over boys that are normaly older, likes shopping, don't take life seriously at the time. I mean seriously, you're not gonna get a job or place to live with fangirling over boys, you're almost adult, do something for gods sake! Anyways she asked you to come with her to some Sadou's house, you don't even know who that guy is, you wondered why she wanted you out of all people, to go with her?

You tried to refuse, but you finally accepted when she promised free food. Who wouldn't want free food, I mean you're gratefull that you have food, money, a place to stay and a nice job! Not all people have as nice life as you.

Here you are now, walking to the place Chiho told you to meet her. Honestly you didn't even know where you were going. You were never good at finding places. Chiho told you she would be waiting outside so you would find the place more easily. You weren't sure if you would find your way even then.

It was kind of cold as you were wearing only a tank top and shorts and it was late at night already. The wind blew from your side, shoving your (h/c) (h/l) hair on your face so you couldn't see where you were going to. As you have so good luck, while trying to get hair out of your face, you triped over a small rock and you fell on the side walk, and hit your head, you had to admid, it really hurt. You were going to get up when you hear a voice call your name.

"(Y/N)!" It was Chiho. She ran up to you and offered you her hand. You took it and got up with her help, not that you couldn't get up yourself.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?! I saw you hit your head,does it hurt? How many fingers? Are you dizzy? Do you need to go to hospital, I can call an ambulance." She sure can say much in couple of seconds. You weren't sure how she even did that.

"I'm okay, I've had worse, can we go now?" Chiho nodded and started skipping while ranting about the Sadaou guy. You didn't really care so you just ignored what she said and followd her to a small and kind of old looking building and ran up the stairs, or tried. Half way up her foot slipped and she fell down, on the way down hitting her head two times, ending up on the ground rolling while holding her head and mumbling somethings like "I hate those stairs".

You just stared at her for a while like "seriously man, get up already, you look stupid". You heard foot steps from inside so you looked up and there was standing to men. One with black hair and red eyes, while the other one had blonde hair and looked older that the other man. The man with black hair ran down the stairs and helped Chiho up from the ground. You just stared boredly while the man, whos name you didn't know, asked Chiho if she was okay. Chiho blushed bright red while smiling. "I'm okay, don't worry." Chiho seemed to like this guy,suprise, she likes every good looking guy that she sees!

You sighed and turned your head towards the black haired guy and offered him your hand. "Hi, I'm (Y/N), Chiho's.. uh.. friend, nice to meet you." The guy took your hand and shook it gentely and smiled at you "Nice to meet you too, I'm Sadou Maou." His name seemed weird, maybe it's just a Japanese thing. "This guy here is Ashiya." He said while pointing at the blonde guy who waved at you smiling.

"Nice to meet you." You turned to look at Chiho who was staring at the black haired man while blushing like a mad man. "Chiho" the said girl didn't seem to notice anything. "Chiho." Still nothing. You waved your hand infront of her face to get her attention. Still she remain as she was. You got kind of mad and shouted at her to get her out of trance. "CHIHO!" The said girl jumped up and blushed more if it was even possible. "Why'd you shout?!"


Chiho looked taken back and she took a step back. "S-sorry..(Y-Y/n)"

You calmed down a little bit and sighed. "Where's the free food you promised?" Chiho relaxed and lead the way inside. The apatment was small, but big enoug to have room for yourself. You kicked of you're shoes and looked around the room.

Just now you noticed that there was one more person int the small room. It was another guy, he had purple hair that was kind of long for a guy. His back was towards you but you could tell he looked about 13-15. You knew not to judge book by it's cover so you didn't think about more than that. He was sitting infront of a computer playing some game. You looked closer and saw it was infinity of fantasies continue!(A/N Too lazy to come up with a better name, if you have a good name for a game, please tell me :3 ) The job that you got was from infinity of fantasies continue part II.

"What ya playing?"

"A game." 'Figured' "what's the name?" You knew the game ofc, it was your favorite game. "Infinity of fantasies continue, not like you'd know it anyways."

You started giggeling. The purple haired guy looked at you from the corner of his eyes. It didn-t take long 'till you were rolling on the floor holding your stomack. You had trouble breathing and you had tears in your eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you?" You guessed it was the purple haired guy who said it. "I-... I can't-..breath.."

Chiho rushed over and tried to calm you down. You calmed down but still couldn't breath properly. "Give-... me-... my bag..."

The purple haired guy noticed your black bag and handed it to you. You opened your bag fastly and tried to find a small object. You found a asthma medicen and took it out. After taking taking the medicen you could breath again. "What was that about?" You looked at the speaker, who happened to be the same purple haired guy.

"It's just that, that game is my favorite game!"

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm (y/n) (l/n), one of the creater of infinity of fantasies continue part II." You smiled at him while he looked shocked. "YOU'RE ONE OF THE CREATERS!?" He was right next to you so the shout hurt a little.

"Yeah, geez, don't have to yell. What's you're name?"

He looked taken back and blushed a little bit.

"Oh! Sorry.. My name is Urushihara Hanzo.."

You smiled at him sweetly, and you swore you saw him blush again. "Nice to meet you, I'll just call you hara-san." His eyes windened and he turned back to the computer after a small smile formed on is lips.

~time skip~

After eating you wanted to know more about urushihara.

"Hara-san?" He didn't turn around but you knew he was listening. "Hmm?"

"How old are you? He still didn't turn around.

"Eighteen." 'Same as me..' (A/N Sorry if your not eighteen, in this fanfic you are)

"Do you have a job?"


"Do you like it here?"

Urushihara paused his game and turned to you.

"I wouldn't say that I enjoy it here, but I don't have anywhere else to go.."

You thought about it. You were lonely so company would be fine.

"You could come live with me."

After the words came out of your mouth, everyone in the room turned to stare at you in shock.

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