Chapter 1

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I love Liam so much - and always have - but one day when he was picking me up from collage, (I had one more year left, yey!) he did something I'd never thought my puppy would do. 

I'm proabably the most insecure person on the planet, but when I'm with Liam, it all goes away. I feel good enough. 

I was waiting for him to pick me up, it was Friday and I was spending the weekend at his house. Every weekend we can, we do. A group of boys with about one or two girls in it, started picking on me and calling me ugly and fat. I stood there taking it in, knowing that it's true. I began to cry. 

Liam pulled up and got out of the car. He had a look of confusion on his face as he walked over to me. 

"What's wrong?" he asked, "What did they do to you?" he said looking over at the group.

"Nothing. It's fine" I said walking to the car but he stopped me. 

"No it's not fine. What did they do to you?" 

"Make fun of me" I managed to get out. 

Liam walked over to the group, who was laughing. 

"Hey" he said angrily. 

"Oh no, what's your pretty boy gonna do?" one of the guys said.

"Beat your ass" Liam said pulling up his sleeves. I was surpised, Liam never curses unless he's mad or a fan tells him to. "Don't you ever make fun of her. She's mine and she's beautiful. You're so full of it it's discusting" he yelled at them. 

"Oh yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" the guy asked. That's when Liam punched him right across the face. 

I got worried. I didn't need this. I could get kicked out of collage! And Liam still had a punching bag that he still used. I ran up to him and tried to pry him away from the guy. I was holding him back. 

"Liam stop, you don't need to do this!" I yelled. 

He let go of my grasp and said pointing his hand to them, "But they deserve it! No one needs to be treated like that!"

"Just take your pretty boy and get out of here!" the guy said, who had a bruise on his cheek and a delveloping black eye. 

"Fine" Liam said, clutching his hands into fist as we walked to his car. It was a black Scorpiean, which he liked to call 'The Bat-Mobile'. When we gpt in the car he said, "I don't know why you let people treat you like that. And you just stand there and take it!"

"I'm sorry, but they're right". 

"What did they say?"

"They called me ugly, fat and a smartass".

"Emma! You aren't those things! You're the most pretty girl I've ever seen! Prettier than Liona Lewis! And when you eat chips and cookies, it's the most sexiest thing ever! And intelligance is sexy too!" 

I smiled and felt my face getting red. Liam knew I loved it when he complemented me. "Thank you" I said, "I love you". I leaned over and kissed him. 

"I love you too babe" he said as we drove off. 

It Was All for YouOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara