Chapter 8

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I haven't gotten a text or a call from Liam since Sunday and I was getting worried. 

It was Wednesday night and I was on my Tumblr when my phone rang. 

It was Liam.

The second I saw the name, I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey babe, sorry I haven't texted or called you lately, I was in the hospital".

"What? Why? Are you okay? What happened?".

"I got in a fight".

"Another one? Liam you've gotta stop, it's gonna become a bad habit it you don't!" 

"I'll stop, don't worry, and I just fractured my wrist is all".

"Why did you get in a fight?" 

"Some guy decided to get smart with me".

"Liam..." I sighed.

"Honey, it's not that big a deal!" 

"Just don't do it again".


"I love you".

"I love you too Em".

"Sorry Li, but I have to study and you're distracting me".

"Sorry", he chuckled, "I'll let you study, byee".

"Byee". We always empthisize our "e's" in goodbyes. 

I started to study. 

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