Chapter 4

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As the day went on, we had a really fun time, but unfortunately it was time for the boys to go home. 

"Finally!" Liam yelled throwing his hands up, "I can have you all to myself again!" he said wrapping his arms around me. "What do you want to do?" 

It was already 8:00pm, this day had flown by so fast. 

"Whatever you want to do. To me" I said winking. Knowing that he had been getting jealous of Zayn and I earlier today, I want to let him know that I was all his. 

We only had sex one time before, and that was on our one year anniversary. That was the night that I lost my virginity to Liam. Although we've come close to doing it since then many times after that, I honestly kind of missed it. 

"So you want it to be that kind of night?" he said seductively stepping closer to me. 

I rubbed his shirt collar. "Mhm" I said.

He leaned down and began kissing me. He was kissing me hard and I knew already that he wanted me, but I didn't want to rush this. I jumped up as he grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist. Our kiss got harder and I soon felt his tongue in my mouth. He soon realized what he was doing and stopped. 

He carried me upstairs to our bedroom and dropped me on our bed. Liam took his shirt off, making me look at his abs that I swear were sculptured my angels. 

"You sure you want to do this?" he asked me. 

I was getting desperate now. "YES! LIAM I'M SURE!" I practically yelled. 

"Okay... anything for my little kitty...".

He leaned down and started kissing me again, his tongue going in my mouth right away this time. I grabbed his sides and pulled him down so he's on top of me. He lifted my shirt off. Once it was off, he just stopped. Stopped kissing me, touching me, just stopped.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked him.

He had a confused look on his face. "I'm just thinking if I should do this or not" he said. Oh Liam, he was always such a good boy, but in these kind of situations, he was always concerned.

"You're not gonna hurt me babe", I said touching his cheek, "if it was anything, it'd be that I miss you, I miss you doing this to me. Even if it was that one time, it's what I miss".

"Okay" he choked out.


He started to unbutton my jeans. While he was sliding them off, he grunted "Damn these skinny jeans".

"Havin troubles there babe?" I chuckled. 

I helped him pulled them off. Now it was my turn. I grabbed the belt loops on the sides of his jeans, bringing him closer to me. I pulled them down slowly, teasing him. 

"God Emma hurry up I need to do this" he said between his teeth. Now he's getting it.

I pulled his jeans off, and once I did, he dropped down on the bed, carrying my with him. The only thing in the way of me and Liam doing it, was my bra, panties and his boxers. 

I was worried though, because we've come this close so many times, him most of the time being the one who wanted to stop. I wanted it to continue though, I wanted him inside me. Although the first time it hurt like hell with his ten inches, but this time I was ready. I guess he was too, because I felt his arms around me, trying to undo my bra clasp. I almost helped him, but he finally got it.

"God, you're so beautiful" he said sitting him looking at me. 

He threw my bra across the room. I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him hard. We were sitting up now, his warm hands on my lower and upper back, mine around his neck, kissing each other hard and passionate. I reached down to grab his boxers. I quickly slid them off and he immediately went to take off my panties. He laid us back down. 

"You ready?" he asked. 

I nodded my head, knowing that I'm gonna feel the Payne now. I winced when he got inside me. 

"God Em, you're so tight" he panted. 

He trusted into me. I tried to hold my scream in, but it came out a moan; "Liiiaaaammmm".

He trusted into me again, and I was surprised that I wasn't feeling any pain and that it actually felt pleasuring, so I relaxed. 

"There ya go" Liam chuckled. 

I smiled at him knowing that his sex God fucking me was all mine. 

"My God Liam, you're so good, I've missed this so much" I moaned.

"I have too" he smiled as he trusted into me one last time. 


He fell down next to me panting. We both laid there catching our breaths. 

"Liam you're so amazing" I panted. 

We looked at each other. 

"You are too" he chuckled. 

We got our pajamas on, him in just sweats and me in girl boxers and one of his old tee shirts. We crawled into bed, him helping me the entire time because I could barely walk. He layed on his side and cuddled me into his warm chest. 

"I love you so much" he said playing with my hair. 

"I love you so much too" I said looking up at him.

He leaned down and kissed me. He held me for the rest of the night until I fell asleep. 

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