Chapter 12

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After we ate, we went to the hotel. We watched t.v for a while. Then Liam suggested that we go swimming in their pool. 

"But Li, I don't have my swimsuit or anything" I complained.

"Don't worry, I packed it" he said, then went to his suitcase and pulled my bikini out.

I only wear it when it's just me and him swimming, otherwise I'll wear a tankini or a one piece, so I won't necessarily have to suck in as much. 

"Fine" I finally agreed. 

He smiled like he'd just been told he could voice 'Woody' in 'Toy Story'. 

We got dressed into our suits and I wrapped a towel around me so I would't have to show my fat on the way down there. 

"Why don't you take your towel off?" Liam asked.

"I don't want anyone to see my stomach".

Liam rolled his eyes and sighed. He held my hands. "Emma. You're perfectly fine. You're beautiful. I love you just the way you are, and I couldn't ask for anymore".

"But..." I saw his puppy pleading face. "Fine" I said and unwrapped the towel and held it between my arm and my side. I sucked in my stomach in as we headed to the pool. 

When we got to the pool, I was surprised to see no body there. 

"I had them make sure no one would be in here while we were, so you would feel better and I wouldn't be mobbed by fans".

"Oh Liam you didn't have to do that".

"But I wanted to, now stop sucking in your perfect tummy!"

"Okay... fine" I stopped sucking in.

"That's better" Liam said smiling and wrapped his hands around my waist. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, "Hold your breath" he said.

I did so and we jumped in the pool together. The water was the perfect temperature. We came up to the surface and his arms were immediately around me. He pecked my lips.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I said back.

"Emma", he whined, "stop sucking in!"

Damn it! He caught me.

"Why do you do that?"

"Because I'm fat".

"Emma. You're the most perfect person I've ever seen. I love you just the way you are. Why do you hate yourself? You have the most perfect tummy!" he said tickling me. I laughed my lungs out, he's sush a good tickler. 

"I don't know..." I trailed off when he stopped tickling me.

He sighed. "Well will this prove I love you?" he said putting my wet hair behind my ear.

He held my cheek in his soft hand while the other was holding my waist. He pulled me closer and kissed me. It was one of the best kisses he ever gave me. It was sweet at first, then slowly got more passionate.

"I love you so very incredibly much Emma".

"Liam! Why do you have to be so amazing and everything I want?" I whined. 

He smilied and dragged me with him under the water. I open my eyes to find his beautiful dark brown ones swimming towards me. He grabbed my shoulders and started kissing me again. I was running out of breath, so I went up to the surface. Not much later Liam was up too.

He pulled me close to him and I wrapped my legs and arms around him. His hands moved down to my butt, holding me against him. We started kissing again and I felt his tongue lick my lower lip. I let him in and soon we were fighting for dominance. 

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