Chapter 11

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I woke up and Liam had his arms around me. I looked at the clock. It was eleven. 

I gently shook Liam and whispered, "Liam babe, what time's your interview?"

"Mmm two o'clock" he mumbled. 

"Well it's already eleven, do you want to get up?"

"Only if you do" he said, eyes still shut. 

"Okay, well, I do".

"Okay", Liam said pushing the covers off and getting up, "do you want me to make you breakfast?"

"No darling, it's okay". 

"Do you want to go out for breakfast?" 

How could I say no to those puppy eyes? "Sure Li, we can go out".

We went to our favorite cafe a little ways down the street. It was raining and cold, so we drove. I got a doughnut and hot chocolate - as usual. Liam got french toast and coffee. We sat down in a cozy booth against a window. 

"What do you want to do when I'm done with the interview?" he asked me. 

"I don't know, do you wanna go to the cinema or watch a movie at home? I'm kinda in a movie mood today" I chuckled.

He laughed his adorable laugh. "Sure babe, whatever you wanna do".

The interview was in London, so we started the long two hour drive there around noon. After the interview, Liam said that we could go see a movie at the cinema, then stay at a hotel for the night. 

When we got to the interview, I stayed behind stage watching them on a t.v.

After the greeting and a few questions, the interviewer asked, "Liam, I heard that you're trying to change your image, is that true?"

"It was, I'm not going to anymore".

"What caused you to try and change?"

"Jealousy. I thought Emma didn't love me and thought she liked another guy, but it turns out I was wrong". 

Zayn looked at Liam concerndedly. 

She moved on to other questions and topics.

When the interview was done, the boys came backstage. Liam hugged me and I saw Zayn standing behind him.

"Liam?" Zayn said. 

Liam let go of the hug. "Yeah?" 

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" 

Me and Liam followed Zayn into a room. 

We walked in and Zayn closed the door. I felt Liam squeeze my hand. He was nervous. 

"I know it was me", Zayn said, "who you were jealous of... I noticed it too, but I thought it was just a phase and thank God it was", he looked Liam in the eyes then raised his voice, "Liam I have Perrie! I love her not Emma! Why can't you believe that?! I'm sorry I made you cut! I'm sorry I made you change! I JUST WANT MY LIAM BACK!" he yelled.

The room went silent. 

"We're just friends" Zayn said. 

"Just friends?" Liam asked.

"Just friends" I confirmed. 

"I just wanted to make that clear", Zayn said, "and I've noticed you've been drifting away from me lately too. Now can I have my best bro back?" Zayn reached his arms out for Liam to hug him.

"Sure mate. Sure" Liam said and took the hug.

Zayn, Liam and I walked out of the room. We said goodbye to everybody and headed to the cinema to see 'Breaking Dawn Part Two'. 

We sat perfectly in the middle. I leaned against Liam with his arm around me, and sat like that for the whole time. 

When the movie was over, we went out to eat at Nandos, and Niall joined us, all the other boys were still in London.

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