Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of Liam's alarm clock. I forgot that it was now Sunday. I played volleyball for my university and our games were always on Sundays. We had to be there by 9:30am, and it took about an hour to get there from Liam's house, so Liam always set the alarm for 7:00am. 

I rolled over to turn the alarm off. 

"It's Sunday isn't it?" Liam moaned. God, that morning voice always kills me.

"Yeah, are you gonna come watch me today?" I asked.

"Yeah, I actually can, I don't have any interviews or anything".

"Yey!" I said hugging him.

"Now go get ready little kitty".

"Okay, I will" I chuckled. 

I took a shower and put sweatpants over my spandex, cause it was nearly November. I put my jersey on and a sweatshirt over that. 

When I walked out of the bathroom, I saw Liam with Starbucks. 

"I thought that when you were getting ready, I would go get you a little breakfast, so I got you a danish and a hot chocolate" he said. 

"Thanks Liam, you're so sweet" I said taking the hot chocolate. I took a sip and put it down so I could put my long hair into a bun. 

"You always look so cute in your uniform" Liam said. He knew absolutely nothing about volleyball.

"I'm not really in it right now, just wait til I'm on the court" I said. 

"Well you look cute anyways" he said chuckling, blushing while rubbing the back of his head with his hand. 

I ate my danish and brought my hot chocolate and duffel bag with me. 

After he drops me off, I just stay there in my dorm the rest of the week, so he wouldn't have to drive back and forth everyday, although we would still miss each other. But today, after my game ended, he said that we would spend the whole day together, and I couldn't wait!

When we got to the game, my coach made Liam go sit down in the bleachers. He pouted like a little puppy. 

He held my hands in his. "I don't want to leave you. I don't want to have to sit there without being able to touch you or talk to you when you're no more than twenty yards away".

"Li, babe, I know", I said smiling, "I don't like that either. Here" I said taking my sweats off and handing them to him, "take these for me and go sit down".

"Okay" he said. 

I gave him a quick kiss. He went to go sit down as I began to warm up. 

About half way through our game, I began to hear Liam and a guy talking. Barley anybody comes to volleyball games, so it's very easy to hear a person's voice. I was trying tpo stay focused on the game, because I was on the court at the time. 

"That's my girlfriend. Number ten down there" Liam said. 

"Who? Oh the fat one" the man said. His words stung in my back as I tried to ignore it. His voice was ruff and ragged and I could tell he was about middle age. 

I got distacted and didn't realize I was a hitter. When I came down from hitting the ball, I landed on my ancle instead of my foot and my whole body came crashing down. 

"Not so good is she?" I heard the man say. 

They called a timeout, and the couch came rushing out. My coach helped me off the court and sit down. They ran a whole bunch of test to see if I was okay as my sub went in for me. They ran cuncussion test, refelx tests, vision tests, but the whole time all I could hear was the conversation going on behind me.

"She's a good player, she's probably just nervous" Liam said. 

"Yeah sure. An ugly no good rat like that deserves to be taken to the bench" the man said. 

"Stop that. She's beautiful and she's great at what she does" I could tell Liam's voice was tencing up, but I didn't dare turn around.

"Kay. But I'm tellin ya, she's no good. I don't know what you're doing wasting her time on her".

"What did you just say?" Liam said, I could tell he was getting angry. 

"She's not a keeper is what I'm saying" the man said. 

I heard what sounded like a slap. I turn around to see Liam with clenched fists as the man, who was really dirty and groady looking, feeling his cheek with his hand. His face was all red and right then I knew that Liam had hit him. 

The man all of a sudden hit Liam back and I almost screamed, letting out a little whimper. I guess the reff heard me as he turned around to see them fighting. He called time and security gaurds ran into the gym. Liam threw the man onto the bleachers. 

The reff took a micraphone and said, "I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, nut we've got a slight problem and we're gonna take a thirty minute break".

The security guards broke them up and carried the man outside the gym doors. 

I ran up to Liam and wrapped my arms around him. My ancle was stinging like hell, but I didn't care. Liam out his arms around me and squeezed his eyes shut in relief.

"What happened?" I asked letting go.

"He was talking shit about you and I wasn't gonna have that"

"You didn't have to do that for me".

"But I had to, I needed to, he was getting on my nerves".

I sighed. "Thank you Liam, I love you". I planted a kiss on kiss on his cheek. 

"Are you okay? I saw you fall earlier and wanted to help you so bad, but I know your coach wouldn't have it".

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little mistake my feet made was all" 

"Okay... Well I hope you get to play again, cause your team needs you! Remember you still have to win for me" he winked. 

The score was 38 to 32, the 32 being us and the game going to 45.

"We'll see. I hope so" I told him.

"I do too" he said. 

The coach called me back down to the bench and said, "Well it looks to me that since you can run up all those bleachers, you can run and hit a ball".

I was about to say that my ancle still hurt, but then she said "Get in there!", pushing me onto the court. 

I pulled my knee pads up and looked at Liam, who was standing up cheering. I smiled at him and went back to serve. 

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