Ghosts from the Past

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As I had since I was a toddler, I woke during false dawn. Dreams and faded memories were chasing me into wakefulness. I went to sit up, but arms tightened their hold around my middle, keeping me in place. I knew then that my dreams had been worse than I wanted, which meant that I dreamt of Before.

Before was a time that I wished to forget ever existed, but memories are fickle things. The subconscious remembers what the conscious wishes to forget. Before was a time where I experienced incredible cruelty. At the hands of my parents, no less. And all because my older brother and I were not the legacies my parents wished to have.

My brother, Keryon, bless his sensitive soul, more interested in healing and art than finding glory on the battlefield. Me, well, I was simply born different. My blood as black as night meant I was destined for Polis and the possible throne of Heda. My blood destined me for death. It did not help that my body and soul were at odds with one another.

Instead of sending us away, our parents tried to beat us to change who we were. All it did, was cement who we and what we were meant to be. I protected my brother from my parents' cruelty. My body riddled with scars to prove my devotion to him. Then my brother got his chance to escape when a healer from a neighboring village came and chose him to become his seken. I, still too young, was left alone with my parents hatred. Until one day, I had had enough. I stood outside my family home, watching it burn to the ground. All the while, I was drenched in red and black blood. I wasn't even five winters yet.

I never spoke of that day. Not to the Heda of the time. Not to the Fleimkepa. Not to the other Natblidas. I talked to no one, but that day marked the end of Before. Now, I am left with old scars and memories that bleed through my dreams. Dreams that leave me to find myself waking up in the arms of certain privileged members of the Riders. Like my Second. And like the twins.

I felt one of the twins shift, and their breathing changed. Marking them towards the edge of wakefulness. Four heartbeats later, and the other was joining them. As much as I wanted to move, I lay their patiently, waiting for them to wake up. The twins were notorious for throwing tantrums if they were forced to wake up before their time. Everyone in the Riders had learned long ago to let them be.

"You wake yet," the twin on my right huskily spoke. I identified him as Avil.

"Who're you askin'," I replied, my own voice rough from sleep, along with my linguistic skills.

"You, a'course," his twin, Thor, spoke up.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, of course. 'Ken I get up now?"

"S'pose," Avil drawled, and the twins moved away simultaneously.

I wriggled free from the confines of my bedroll and sprang up, "Thank fuck. I've had to piss for the last twenty."

The twins laughed, and I just flipped them off before heading outside to relieve myself. Ducking back into the tent, the twins were still stretching laconically, making me shake my head with a small smile on my face.

"You two are lazy," I said, smirking as I moved around to begin dressing for the day.

"No," Thor languidly replied. "We are not lazy. Each movement is no more and no less than absolutely necessary."

I snorted, "The word you are looking for is efficient, Tristraka. Which, first thing in the morning, you are not. Now, get your lazy asses out of bed. Decide which of you is coming with me and which is warding the camp."

The twins grumble but sit up and do some weird hand game to decide whos doing what. I shake my head at their absurdity before heading out of the tent to start the fire. Fifteen minutes later, they're out of the tent and eagerly awaiting for the coffee to finish. I just roll my eyes and continue to make breakfast.

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