A Desperate Ash and a Missing Bubba

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Marshall woke up the next day with a crook in his neck and his head pounding. He groaned and wondered why he ever thought it’d be a good idea to get drunk; the end result were always the same- hangovers and a night full of regrets. As he sat up, he tried remembering all the events of last night, and frowned when he couldn’t. But suddenly when his mom burst into the room clanging two pans together and shouting ‘wake your ass up!’, he remembered how he had stumbled home drunk with his mom way too easily finding out. Shit, he thought, falling back to his bed, I’m going to be in a world of hell.


“Oh c’mon Marshall, after the worry you caused me, I think you deserve a little punishment! Now wake your ass up and help me make breakfast!” His mom shouted, retreating back into the living room. Marshall sighed and rolled to his side, and instead of trying to get up at all and go help his mom, he reached for his phone and noticed several missed calls and 3 news texts. His heart raced and he panicked a little, worrying if something had happened to someone and if he’d missed the chance to help. But when he opened his phone he saw it was just Ash who tried drunkenly texting him and trying to call him. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Ash was starting to become more trouble than she was worth.


He began calling her, and on the third ring she picked up. “Hey sorry for missing your calls, what’s up?” He asked.


“I called you like 15 damn times! How the hell did you miss all of them!?” She shrieked, making him almost throw his phone out of instinct.


“Whoa Ash, calm down. I didn’t hear you call because I was asleep.” He explained.


“Oh sorry babe, thought you were ignoring me or something,” She said, flooded with relief, “Hey do you think you could come over today? Like right now maybe? I’m really bored.”


“Oh uh sure, guess I’ll see you soon.” Marshall said, figuring he could lie to his mom and say he had to go do a group project or something.


“Great! See you soon Marshy~.” She purred, hanging up.


He dropped his phone on the side of the bed, and wondered if it was really the best idea to go sneak out again the day after his mom saw him drunk. But it was Ash, and she was the only one keeping him sane from his unsettling thoughts about Bubba at the moment, and plus he sort of liked her despite her moodiness and short-temper. She was cute and she certainly made him feel special so he wasn’t one to complain.


He jumped out of bed and got dressed into different clothes, still wearing the same clothes from last night, and brushed his teeth and hair. He then entered the living room and announced, “Hey mom, I actually have to go work on a project with Bubba and Fionna right now, they just texted me.”


She looked up at him from the kitchen counter and said, “Sure, that’s fine. But I’m gonna know if you’re lying and going to Ash’s or one of her friends places okay?”


He nodded and gulped nervously. How the hell would she be able to find out? “Okay, thanks. I’ll see you later!” Noticing the looming clouds overhead outside the window, he grabbed his hoodie and exited, waving bye as he locked the door behind him.

I Lost Everything For You (Gumlee / Marball)Where stories live. Discover now