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Last Published: Oct 19, 2020
Edited: Nov 10, 2020
Words: 1159

The dripping of water pitter and patter against the stone floor and into a small puddle below. Its echo loud and clear as it bounced off the walls of the cave.

Blood splattered everywhere. The blood was against the walls, onto the floor and even soaked the clear water into crimson. There, laid a young girl. She was small, fragile and, most importantly, frightened.

She was shaking like a leaf as she gripped her staff tightly. A wound on her shoulder as an arrow stuck out, she looked in the great beyond of the dark. She was regretting ever coming here. She thought she would make something of herself; however, she proved herself wrong in her mind.

Suddenly, reflexing in her teary eyes was a bright fire that circled her pupils before igniting into a bigger flame.

Two people walked towards her.

Dress in grubby leather armour with chain mail underneath paired with a helmet with broken horns on the side—metal plates clashed against each other and echo into the hallow tunnel. Their helmet emitting a glow and aura of fearful strength. What a frightful sight they were, their plain boots pounding against the stone floor alongside a clicking of- heels (?). Beside this stranger was a gorgeous woman. Her hair looked flawless as it bounced with every step she took. Her clothing was made of the most beautiful silk and cased around her body correctly. She didn't cover her face, and the little girl even thought to believe she was an illusion from all the stress she felt, like a guardian angel here to take her away from this miserable place.

She gave the girl a gentle smile as the armoured figure held a terrifying glare, their eyes glowing red as it danced with the flames, while the women beside him glowed with her character instead.

Her shaking began to intensify, and so did the glowing lights from the two mysterious people. Suddenly, like the flame that grew brighter and brighter, her eyes began to dry with tears. Her blue pupils realized they weren't there to hurt her but to save her from misery tonight.

"I want to be an adventurer!"


In a large town that held many types of species, birds chirped happily at the beautiful sight. The air was fresh as the sun shone down brightly over the village. The trees were full of life, and the cobblestones held less than a few cracks here and there. In the center was a small fountain and large buildings from bakeries to smiths. In one of the many buildings was a guild.

The guild was for males and females far and wide.

From mages to warriors to healers;

From humans to elves to lizard people;

Everyone was welcomed.


"Can you read and write?" questioned a woman's voice.

In front of the woman was a young girl, the same girl we heard of before. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a white robe over blue grabs, both laced with golden outlines, and there she held tightly to her golden-coloured staff decorated with blue jewels. Upon her head was a signature hat, all priestess wore. It was white and blue, matching with her attire.

She held a determined look as she responded to the woman, "Yes, I learned how at the temple."

With a bright smile, the woman handed her a sheet of paper and asked her to fill it out.

While she busied herself, the chatter of the guild spoke into her ears.

"How was dealing with the manticore at the pass?"

"It wasn't too bad."

"Hey, I heard that a demon lord appeared in the capital," - "and it's the perfect time to head over there to earn some coin."

"I'm sure I could at least handle a low-level demon."

Laughter filled the room as they drank their beer and looked at the bounties on the board. The guild girl took the paper, scanning the sheet.

Her brownish blonde hair woven into a braid as her yellow-gold eyes searched the papers for any mistakes as she classified it with the young girl in front of her. Her guild uniform consists of a yellow-white dress shirt covered by a navy best, a long black pencil skirt, and a three-strap black belt.

Looking up at the girl, she gave her a soft smile.

"So you're fifteen, and your job is a priestess."

"Yes." Exposing her information made the priestess flush a little.

"I'm an adult now, so I wanted to help others, adventurers." The guild girl, happy with her responses, gave her a necklace.

"This will act as your ID in the guild."

"There are ten ranks of adventures, and platinum is the highest rank."

A look of awe was on the priestess's face as she held up the necklace.

"Next is gold, but the highest-ranked out in the field would be the slivers."

"Your identification tag shows that your rank is porcelain, the lowest rank for adventurers." The porcelain held an engrave of words as the blondie looked up.

"So, I'm a beginner?" She spoke for clarification.

"Yes." Guild girl informed. "It will also help identify you if something were to happen to you," - "so make sure not to lose it."

"Yes, Ma'am!" A look of promising was placed onto the petite girl's face, gripping the ID tightly.

"And that ends your registration." - "You can find quests on the board there." Pointing to her left, to the rookie's right, was a board that held flyers of requests from individuals and a large amount of money in reward too.

The two stared at the various quests, "Please go ahead and find one suitable for your rank."

"Or you could join a veteran adventurer's party and-" Unspoken footsteps sounded to the two, as a young man leaned his back against the counter.

He was obviously a warrior. Wearing a breastplate and numerous bandages on his face, he held an untidy hair, a brunette. To keep it secured, he wore a headband around and carried a longsword.

"Hey, wanna go adventuring with us?" The boy asked the distracted girl, startling her.

"You're a priestess, right?" Behind him were two females.

They were a wizard and a fighter. The wizard had dark robes and a cloak wrapped around her snugged. She has a large pointed hat, giving away her identity and had a pair of glasses—some boots and wielding a magic staff. The girl beside her was a young woman with long black hair tied into a ponytail. She was dressed in pants and robes, giving away she was a fighter to ease her movements when in battle. She had a yellow scarf around her neck and had a bag on the side.

Two out of the three smiled at her, "My party's missing a priest, but we've got an urgent quest to do,"

"Would you come with us?" The male finished.

"An urgent quest?"

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