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    It was half past eight in the evening when Phillip finally showed up at the circus. Barnum had a whole speech planned out about how disappointed he was, but all that flew out the window when he saw the state Phillip was in.
    The young man was clearly drunk. He staggered in, his hair a mess, his bow tie hastily tied in a big looping bow, a bruise half formed on his cheek. Barnum cursed his stupidity. He should have realised that something was going on, and that Phillip wouldn't just not show up. He sighed.
    "Phillip! There you are," He said, and Phillip looked up. A wild grin lit up his face.
    "Barnum! I knew you'd be here!" Phillip laughed.
    "How drunk are you, Phillip?" Barnum asked, looking worriedly at the young man. The troupe was gathering behind him, watching with interest and concern as the scene unfolded.
    "I am not fucking drunk," Phillip slurred. A collective gasp spreads through the troupe; Phillip barely ever swore.
    Barnum frowned. "Can you tell the time?"
    "Yes," Phillip swung round to face the large grandfather clock that stood nearby. He jabbed his finger at the clock. "I am not fucking drunk," he collapsed in giggles like this was the funniest thing ever. Some of the troupe laughed nervously, but Barnum shot them a glare over his shoulder. This wasn't funny. The ringmaster had never seen his junior partner this drunk, and he was worried.
    Phillip turned to face Barnum again, but he lost his footing and slipped. Barnum rushed forward to catch the young man, hooking his arms under Phillip's.
    "Phillip, what have you done to yourself," he murmured, looking down at Phillip. He raised his voice to address the troupe. "I have to take him home."
    "But Barnum-" Lettie said.
    "I'm sorry Lettie, but look at him. He's in no fit state to stay here, and I don't trust that he can get to his house by himself. Keep rehearsing while I'm gone, folks."
    "When will you be back?" Anne asked, casting a worried look at Phillip.
    Barnum sighed. "I don't know. I'm not sure if I'll be back tonight, given how wasted he is. Go home at a sensible time if I don't make it back tonight, alright?"
    The troupe nodded, and turned to go back to rehearsing, a lot of them glancing uneasily over their shoulders.
    Barnum picked Phillip up in his arms, bridal-style. Phillip giggled.
    "You're so strong P.T., has anyone ever told you that?" He hiccuped, swinging his arms around Barnum's neck. "I bet you could lift a- a whole elephant. Maybe two."
    "Alright, Phillip," Barnum said softly. "Let's get you home."

    Phillip chattered all the way, strings of nonsense erupting from his mouth as he talked and talked, never once attempting to move from Barnum's arms, even when they got to the front step of his house. He just wrapped his arms around P.T.'s neck and refused to let go.
    Barnum carefully peeled Phillip's arms from his neck and placed the young man down. Phillip didn't stand up, however, he just sat on the cold damp floor and started singing softly to himself. Barnum squatted down next to him.
    "Phillip?" No response. "Phillip, look at me." Phillip looked up. The two men locked gazes.
    Phillip knelt forwards and lunged up, pressing a sloppy, uncoordinated and open-mouthed kiss to P.T.'s mouth. It took a few seconds for Barnum to process what was happening. But when Phillip probed his tongue into the ringmaster's mouth, Barnum fell backwards, shocked. Phillip was smiling at him, a euphoric look plastered on his face.
    "Come inside with me, P.T.," he whispered loudly, and drunkenly stood up, staggering into his house gesturing for Barnum to follow.
    Barnum stood up. A million thoughts raced through his head. He knew stepping into Phillip's house was sure to be a recipe for disaster, but he couldn't leave his partner here alone in this state. He sighed.
    No sooner than he'd stepped into the darkened room he felt Phillip pushed him against the door, forcing it shut. The young man pulled Barnum down by the shirt and kissed him again, but Barnum pulled away. Phillip giggled.
    "Awww come on, you tease, kiss me!" Phillip hiccuped. He slipped his hands around to cup Barnum's ass, and he squeezed gently. Barnum pried Phillip's wandering hands away, holding them tightly.
    "Phillip... please don't do anything you'll regret tomorrow," Barnum said. "Please... just go to bed."
    Phillip seemed to sense the serious tone in Barnum's voice, because despite his drunken state, he sighed and walked over to his bedroom. P.T. followed him a step or two behind, watching to make sure he didn't trip and hurt himself. Phillip started trying to take off his bow tie, but only succeeded in tying another knot in it. Barnum chuckled softly to himself and walked over to Phillip, taking the white fabric between his hands and expertly untying it. Phillip watched, fascinated.
    Barnum tugged the bow tie from Phillip's neck and turned around to hang it up. He heard the telltale crinkling of fabric from behind him and turned to see Phillip struggling to take his shirt off. Smiling again, Barnum pulled it over the young man's head, and turned to hang it up with the bow tie. He felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist as Phillip hugged him from behind.
    "Please don't go," he whimpered. Barnum rolled his eyes.
    "Alright, Phillip, I won't," he said, "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."
    He let Phillip lead him to the bed, let Phillip pull him down next to him, let Phillip curl into him, nestling his head into his neck.
    It took less than a minute for Phillip's breathing to change; he was asleep. Barnum let out a long breath. He pressed a quick kiss to the top of Phillip's head, before turning his head to rest on Phillip's. He doubted he would sleep much, but at least he knew Phillip was safe.

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