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    Phineas opened the door to his house as it was nearing midnight, the rain just started to pour. He grinned as he recalled the last three hours. The taste of Phillip's tongue in his mouth. The sight of Phillip's red flushed face looking up at him from between his legs, a string of saliva trailing from his tongue to Phineas's cock. The sound of Phillip's loud unrestrained moans as P.T. thrust into him.
He was in such a haze that he didn't realise that Charity was standing right there until she spoke.
"Where have you been?" She hissed. "The girls have been asking all evening, they refused to go to bed until I read them five stories. Five, Phin!"
"Sorry, Charity, I was working late and I... I lost track of time," he lied.
Charity frowned. Phineas's face was flushed, he was smiling more than normal... "Are you drunk?"
"What? No!" Phineas said. Why would she think that? "You know I don't like to drink on work days."
Charity nodded slowly. But she wasn't satisfied. "Can I ask you something, Phin?"
"You just did." Phineas chuckled. (Charity rolled her eyes.) "Sure, darling. What is it?"
Charity cleared her throat. "Are you cheating on me?"
Phineas inhaled sharply.
"You are, aren't you?" Tears were forming in Charity's eyes.
Phineas ran a hand through his hair. "Charity, it's not what you thi-"
"It's that Jenny Lind, isn't it?"
"Wha- what?" Phineas looked at Charity in disbelief. "Jenny Lind?" A laugh built in his chest. "Jenny?"
"Oh stop pretending. I've seen the way you look at her!" The tears were flowing freely now. "And don't you dare say you flirted with her just to get her to join your little show. That's almost as bad."
Phineas opened his mouth to object, but Charity wasn't finished.
"Why couldn't you be more like Phillip? He actually respects women."
That was the last straw. Phineas burst out laughing. Charity looked astonished, then outraged.
"You- you think this is funny?" She yelled. "Get out!"
"Get. Out," she spat. "Go and have fun with Jenny."
She pushed him out the door and slammed it, leaving Phineas in the rain, still giggling to himself. She thought he was cheating with Jenny. She told him to be more like Phillip. She had no idea Phillip was the one who would pleasure him on lonely nights such as this one. He didn't know why it was so funny, but he was still smiling about it as he made his way to Phillip's apartment.
Phillip opened the door to see Phineas standing there, wet and bedraggled, laughing.
"What's so funny?" Phillip asked.
"Charity kicked me out," Phineas giggled. Phillip frowned.
"What? Why? And why are you laughing?"
"She thought I was cheating on her with Jenny," Phineas was laughing a lot now. "And she- she told me to be more like you, because you-" Phineas jabbed a finger at Phillip, choking on his words, "respect women."
"Oh," Then it dawned on him. "Oh," Phillip started laughing too. Soon they were holding onto each other, trying not to fall over. Every time the giggles would subdue, they'd make eye contact and crack up again. Eventually, when both men were completely out of breath, Phillip spoke.
"You wanna stay here for now?"
"I thought you'd never ask," Phineas grinned. "I'm sure Charity would be happy I'm staying with you and not Jenny." He looked into Phillip's eyes.
Now they were both laughing hysterically again.

Just to clarify, in most of these oneshots I'm skimming over Charity (you can decide what's going on with her) because it's just another layer of complexity that I don't want to worry about 😅

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