Coat - drabble

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Phillip was drunk again. It didn't take a genius to tell.
When Phineas got home from a long day at the circus, Phillip was dancing around wearing his spare red coat. Wearing only his coat. Phineas smiled to himself.
"Phin!" Phillip squealed, running top speed into Phineas, tackling the showman in a hug which sent them both tumbling to the floor. Phineas laughed, looking up at the small man on top of him.
"Someone's excited to see me!" He said. "Also, why are you wearing my coat?"
A red flush spread up Phillip's neck. "I was cold..."
Phineas raised an eyebrow. "You aren't wearing anything underneath."
Phillip was bright red now. "It smells nice," he mumbled.
"Is that so?"
Phillip nodded. "It smells of you."
"Aww, did someone miss me?" Phineas teased, booping Phillip's nose. The young man buried his head into Phineas's chest.
"Let me up, Phillip, I need a shower," Phineas chuckled. "Care to join me? It might warm you up." He added cheekily, shooting Phillip a wink.
"Slick bastard," Phillip grumbled, but he stood up and let Phineas lead him to the bathroom.

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