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    Phillip didn't think that a very important, very serious, future-of-the-entire-circus meeting with representatives from the bank was the best time for Phineas to be giving him a handjob, but hey! That's show business.
    They were seated, in their office, across the table from a platoon of smartly dressed assholes trying to shut down the circus. Phineas was doing all the talking so, naturally, Phillip had completely zoned out. He was lost in his own thoughts when he felt Phineas's hand on his thigh. He shook his leg, trying to dislodge it, glancing around to make sure no one had noticed. Phin's hand remained where it was. Phillip decided to ignore for now.
Not a minute had passed when Phineas started caressing his inner thigh, slowly but surely creeping upwards. Phillip was getting nervous at this point, and tried to (unsuccessfully) push Phin's hand away. A flush spread up his neck as Phineas started rubbing him through his trousers. He stifled a moan, trying to disguise it as a cough. Phineas looked over at him innocently.
"Is something wrong, Mr. Carlyle?" He asked, mischief glinting in his eyes. "Are you getting a cold?"
Phillip glared at him, trying to pour as much fuck you energy into the look as he could. Phineas raised an eyebrow and started quietly undoing Phillip's trousers, still talking to the business men. Phillip leant forwards, placing his elbows on the table and covering his mouth with his hands.
Phineas grazed his fingers over the tip of Phillip's cock, making the young man inhale sharply. He let out a shuddery breath as Phineas continued stroking him. The business men cast him an irritated gaze but said nothing.
    Phillip clenched his jaw, desperately trying not to make a sound even with his level of needs slowly rising as P.T. touched him. It only took a few minutes for 'not making a sound' to become incredibly difficult. The ball of heat in his stomach got hotter, and with the flick of Phineas's wrist he was gone. His legs shook as he moaned loudly. The bank representatives stared at him in shock and horror. Phineas was trying not to grin but succeeded in looking very smug and very proud of himself.

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