Changing - drabble

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Today, Phillip was going to be early. He was going to surprise Barnum and be at the circus at half past seven on the dot. So, yawning, he pulled on his shirt and trousers at quarter to seven, and was out the door by the hour.
He was still rubbing the sleep from his eyes when he stumbled into his and Barnum's office. He was pleasantly surprised when he opened his eyes to see Phineas's bare back. He smiled.
"G'morning, Barnum," he said.
Barnum turned around, and his face split into a grin. "You're here early, Mr. Carlyle."
"Yup," Phillip said, eyeing the ringmaster's muscular body.
Barnum's smile widened as he caught Phillip looking.
"Like what you see?" He purred.
Phillip flushed, but he couldn't tear his eyes away.
Barnum glanced at the clock. "I estimate we have half an hour before the troupe start to arrive."
Phillip shot him a curious glance. Barnum smirked.
"How would you like a private show?"
Phillip's eyes widened as the implication sank in. He grinned.

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