Class Redemption-Mylene

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*Pre-Chloe Redemption.*

What started out as helping the new girl turned out to be much, much more. Mylene was horrified. She whanted to help Lila not try to kill Marinette, but that's what the rest of the class whanted to do.

It was a regular day in Paris. Mylene was exited because her Aunt was comeing to vist. Here Aunt Kat was a FBI agent that helped in fugire out were terisots were and who there were. She came to Paris in hopes to help with the HawkMoth issue.

"You seem extra happy today Mylene." Rose told the girls as she saw her attitude.

Mylene smiled. "My Aunt is staying in Paris for the week. Becuase we have such a tiny house she can't stay so she's acually staying in Chloe's hotel."

Just then Lila ran out crying with fake blood all over here. The class gasped and when't over to the girl.

"What happend girl?!" Alya asked very worried for her besties saftey.

"M-Marienette..S-she T=tried to kill me." She spluttered. The room gahed and suddenly turned to happy and calm to fuirous and angry.

The room then tried to think fo way to get back at the girl. It whent form calm ideas like:

"Let's rip her sektchbooks!"

"Push her down the staires!"

"Tell the school!"

But when't down hill from there.

"Lock her in the bathrooms, during a fire drill."

"Beat her up!"

"Fling her into the ocean!"

"Stab her!"

Safe to say Mylene didn't whant to do any of those. She was scared becuase everyone else seemed to be happy to do that, it scared her. She knew though she chouldn't back out now. No she was in to deep thpugh, she wasn't even brave enough. She thought about a way to alaert Marinette and help her. Then it hit her.

The class then beagn to walk Lila home, Mylene lied saying she forgot something. After they left she made her way to were Chloe was waiting for her limo.

"Chloe!" she yelled as she ran over to the girl.

"Uhh, whay is it." She asked, bordem laced in her voice.

Mylene then explained waht had happend. The ideas that the class had given.

"That liar!" Chloe scremaed. Birds then flying ayaw becuase of the noise.

"I whant to help."

"Oh really?"

"Look I'm not saying I belive Lila but the things they are planning to do is not something I whant to be assoistedted with. Here." She gave Chloe a card. "Go to room C6 on floor 12 and say that Mousie broght you."

"How should I trust you?"

"Please Chloe."

"Alright fine."

And with Chloe left.


Chloe then left to go to the elevetor. She was sketical, shure but if the class really did do those things to her Mari-bug and she did nothing to stop if, she wound't forgive herself.

She knocked on the door and after a few minutes it opened. Mylene's aunt had brown hair with blue eyes. She was about 27.

"May I help you?" she asked.

"Yes. Mousie brought me."

Kat looked at Chloe suscioly before letting her in. She when't to sit on her chair whle Chloe sat on the couch.

"What's the problom?"

Chloe then explained what had happend to her friend Marinette and what Mylene had wanred her about.

"I always thought Cleo was to soft on her."


"My sister, Mylene's mother. Anyway I'll help you and your friend."

"Really? Thank you!"

"So you said that they wana fling her off the bridge."

"Well that's what they talked about doing."

"Alright here's what were going to do. I got camras all over the place. You text me when there near, wehn they try ro pull something I'll film it, and send it to the police."

Chloe nodded, likeing that plan. Kat then gave the girl her number. She looked at it with a confuse face.

"Your username is Camra Man?"

"Nobody thinks your a girl if you have a man in your name."


"Well in order to be in the FBI you have to be smart."

"Thanks again."

"No problom. Text you the dealils ok?"

"Ok." and with that Chloe left happy, to be helping her best friend.

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