My Pain: Chapter Twenty Two: The Last Chapter.

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We've all gone through our version of pain, difficult, different and we are left with an everlasting memory of it. Some are just to get us ready for the best part of our lives.

That gets us through it. It makes us fight to overcome it, we do not know what might happen or how long it might take but hope gets us going.

Atiku taught me all this, I've never lacked anything my whole life. Most of the things I called pain was not getting what I wanted or getting into fights.. He might not have opened his mouth to teach me but every moment with him was a new lesson.

"What are you thinking about?"
"Nothing much".

"I saw it" he says.
"Saw what?"

"Your Journal".
I freeze "You read it?"
"Before you get hysterical and start overreacting..I read your online journal not the one you have in your nightstand"

"How do you know where it is?"
"Suhaiba you're the one who keeps mixing my stockings with yours but I wasn't interested so I didn't read it, you didn't give me permission to"

"So...I have to give you permission?" I ask with a smile.
"I might be annoying as hell but I'm not the type who goes around checking people's personal belongings"

"Anyway...How did you find the journal?"
He stops ironing and turns to look at me.
"Although I don't agree with saying stuff like that online...It was really impressive though and unexpected"

"Really? And what stuff was I not supposed to say online?"
"You sound like someone who was brutally abused, you do" he continues ironing.

"Haba dai! It sounds like it's coming from the heart"
"Exactly why it sounds like you're a victim of abuse. Have I abused you in anyway?"

My smile disappears when I notice how intense the conversation is getting.
"You haven't but I'm trying to help people who feel neglected"

"So you're neglected? By me?"
"No. Of course I'm not"

"Not that it's a lie though. I have to go out, its getting late" he walks out of the laundry room"
"How did the conversation change so fast?"
I ask myself.

I get my phone out and call Amina.


What's up? You sound different.

Just had a fight with Atiku, he just left.

Really? Same here.

You and Halim fight?

We argue, not everyday but we do sometimes.

I never knew.

She laughs.
Come on, every couple argues every once in a while.

You never tell me.

It's not every time you have to tell people what goes on between you and your husband and I've told you this countless times.

Ahh makes sense.

I can't believe you thought we don't fight.


Let me go sort it out before it gets worse. He always gets quiet, ignore me and do nothing when he's angry.

Lucky you. Atiku just disappears until he feels like getting back.

Bye babe.

Bye Momma.


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