My Poor Innocent Ears

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"Baby, can we visit to Swiss alps this year, for vacations? You see I bought this really expensive parka from Gucci and I'm dying to wear it but of course I can't being in new york and all these people crowding everywhere t just doesn't get that cold here anymore and I- "

My secretary entered the room interrupting a rather annoying rant which I didn't hear a word of, I got an empire to run for pete's sake.

"Sir you have an appointment set for tonight, it's a dinner meeting with Mr. Musk", she informed me and left.

"Oh! Ford!-", here we go again; an exasperated sign left me which only happens when I'm highly irritated by someone, "Can I please attend this dinner with you, please can I? I always wanted to meet Elon Musk, and I also wanna discuss some upgrades he could make to his Tesla because you see I have been experiencing some issues with mine and I believe—"

"Yes! yes you can for sure join us for dinner tonight, love. You don't have to say please so many times or pester me with the details", of course I said the last part under my breath; I didn't want to start yet another whining session from her.

That's my girlfriend. As I said I'm not a reclusive lunatic, I have my manly needs that must be taken care of. Besides, I'm young, smart and handsome and need less to mention, rich; people with these attributes tends to find it not really difficult to find a new girl in their bed every other night. I however, don't go through all that trouble finding new girl every night; just a girl with good face and even better body, and ideally with half or even lesser than half a brain (so she won't ask too many questions about you know what; and I'm not talking about Voldemort), then I'm set for at least a few weeks or for as long as she doesn't start to annoy me which doesn't take that much or that long; speaking of which I think it's time to find another.

"Thank you, Fordy! I-

"It's Ford, Eliza. And I'm busy right now, go home I'll pick you up tonight, alright." I interrupted her mid-sentence; there's only so much I can take, you know.

"oh yeah I'm just leaving; so what was I sayin-

That you're getting on my nerves.

'-yeah! that I know you never say no to me for anything, which is why I love you so much honey and I was ummm.." she started getting anxious.

Love. Well she's the definitely the one....the one who's gonna make me fall hard...on my ass....laughing.

I guess I was wrong about her; she doesn't even have half a brain in her. She barely even know me and she believe she Loves me? Give me a break, coveting bitch; What's next? She's gonna talk about Marriage? Even just a thought of it made me accidently slip a scoff from my mouth.

"-so I was wondering, since we already know eachother for months and are so in love; my parents were also wondering when we are getting married."

What?! I sat up straighter staring at her makeup plastered face. More unsettlingly foul words never been spoken before.

My poor innocent ears.

She looked a bit shy now and moved her gaze down or maybe it was an act because she was no innocent girl let me tell you; no I'm not talking about criminal activities, I mean when it comes to pleasure and carnal desires, she has no match. But now she's posing herself like an innocent girl as if wondering what even happens when a girl gets married to a guy. Bullshit.

I can assure you my expressions were 100% genuine at showing my abhorrence at the said topic. She lost her mind if she thinks I would marry her; sorry I forgot she doesn't have one.

If I ever marry, it'll be because of love.

My love for power. My love for superiority. My love to create a world, where I am worshipped, where I am god.

If, and that's a big if, I marry someone it'll be because she is valuable for all my aforementioned statements. Which I believe to be highly unlikely. I am all that I need to achieve my goal, there isn't anyone in this world, and especially not a girl, who I would require in my journey to lay claim upon this world and exert my superior rule. I am the superior being for a reason, there's no one created better than I.

So, marriage? Let's not push your luck, Eliza.

I was lost in my own thoughts and almost missed hearing what she was saying right then. Now I wonder if It was in my best interest hearing what she said or if things could have gotten worse than they did if I didn't hear her. Because her words were the ones that pushed me into taking a certain action that set into motion, a chain of reactions which shaped my fate as if it were the twisting rails of a train that took me to my final destination; that took me here, the point in time where....I die.



A small chapter I know, very very small but I just can't help to leave it at this point, as in ford's pov 'a little tease only adds spice in life' the next part is almost ready it'll be up in a day or two. 

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