OS 2

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Jungkook woke up after an hour. Yawning as he sat up and stretched his limbs. Looking around, he saw his father, along with his mother asleep.
"Guess I have to go by myself" He says to himself, standing up and changing to his swimming clothes. After that, he went out to go to the beach.

Jimin went back to the beach, he had just finished eating, well snacks. He sat down on the sand, just watching the people swimming.

Jungkook got out of the water. As he walked, his leg decided to cramp. He screamed because of this, grabbing onto it. It caused him to fall, and then he started drowning as he was on a deep part.

Jimin saw the boy, he was drowning and it made him panic. Luckily he's in his swimwear, so he stood up and ran to the boy. He swam so he could get close and help him.

Mr Jeon woke up, yawning. He looks around, not seeing his son. Shaking his wife, who later woke up, groaning at him.
"What?" She asks, rubbing her eyes.
"Where's Jungkook?" Mr Jeon asks, causing Mrs Jeon to fully wake up.
"What?!" She asks, getting off of bed. They both went out of the room, running.

Jimin successfully grabbed the boy, but he wasn't moving. He pulled him out of the water, carrying him bridal style. Putting the boy down, people started to surround them. He started to do CPR, while people watched him.

Mr and Mrs Jeon arrived at the beach, seeing a big crowd near the water. Frowning, they decided to look at what's happening. They excused theirselves as they pushed through them. Gasping at what they saw. It was Jungkook, laid on the ground as a guy was doing CPR on him. Their son started to cough out water, while the guy who did this pats his back.

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