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"I hate that you're right" Jimin says, laughing. The younger also laughed, rolling his eyes.
"So, Koo, have any eyes on someone?" The older asks, biting his lips. Jungkook looks at him for a few seconds before he nodded.
"Yes" The younger says simply, blushing and covering his ears as he got shy. Jimin awkwardly chuckles, gulping.
"Me too" He says, scratching his nape.

"Let's say it at the same time" Jimin says, the younger gulps before agreeing. They counted together, closing their eyes before stopping.
"It's you!" They said at the same time. Opening their eyes, they stared at eachother, eyes widened and frozen.
"Y... You like me?" Jimin was the one who broke the silence. Jungkook gulps again, nodding as he looks down.

Jimin smiled, lifting Jungkook's chin up before placing a kiss on the younger's lips. The younger gasps, freezing again but later kissed back. Jimin wraps his hands around Jungkook's waist, while the younger had his on the older's neck. They pulled away after a few minutes, breathing heavily.
"That was my first kiss" Jungkook says. Jimin chuckles, pinching hid cheeks and saying.
"Me too"

"Woah, why are you two holding hands?" Mrs Jeon asks as she saw this. They were having a dinner together, being friends after the incident.
"Yeah, what's happening? Did we miss something?" Mrs Park asks, smirking. Jimin and Jungkook stared at each other, smiling before they nodded.
"We're dating!" They said in unison. Mrs Jeon and Mrs Park gasps, standing up from their seats and walking to the two to hug them.

"Oh my goodness, our ship has sailed, my friend" Mrs Park says. Mrs Jeon nodded, laughing. Jimin and Jungkook stared at their mothers with disbelief but shrugged it off after. Mr Jeon and Mr Park claps at them, secretly eating.

"Come on, let's celebrate this with the--hey! You two are eating already!"

"Come on, let's celebrate this with the--hey! You two are eating already!"

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