𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝙵𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚜 𝚄𝚙 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝

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"Hello?!" KC you still sliding? 
My main squeeze was in town,
so you know I had to give her all the teas!

"Yeah! I'll be there in a few! Damn bitch!
You missed me that much?"
KC was my best friend of 5years!
I met her at a singing competition, in Chicago
She moved back to Florida but we never lost contact.

*DING DONG* The door bell rung!

"COME IN!!!"
I knew it was KC, 
you know black people always leave the door open.

"BITCHHHHH!!!! I Missed You!!!

Before KC could put her bags down.
she noticed a light skin little boy playing with toys in the living room.

"Uhmmm when the fuck did you have a baby?"
KC was befuddled

I inhaled and took a gasp of breathe
Cause I knew I had to come clean and tell her what's really been going on!

"GIRL!!!! I didn't! that's Briel son!"
Never thought I'd be playing step mama to another female child..

"HUH?! Briel Who?!
She A Studd! When she had a baby?
Bitch Whet?!"
KC starred at the little boy

" So apparently, her previous relationship
The girl had a baby on her, supposedly she forgave her... briel stepped up to the plate to still be there as the second parent.. BUT the girl chooses & picks when she wants Briel to be apart of his life! Ion like that!"
Knowing this is only the beginning of the story
I poured a cup of Moet & Chandon.

"Wait!!! Huh? The bitch has a baby on her and she still tryna play step staddy? Y'all hoes needa show!
And you agreed to this? Bitch I need to know the whole story cause something is off? Y'all been together for 2 years! This baby is 2 years old..."
KC swore she was a detective, she was putting this shit together like a multiplication question.

"GIRL!!!!! I knew about the baby before we got together! I didn't think it would come in between our relationship! He's innocent to the fact!
It's taking a lot to be okay with this! My gut just tell me other shit going on!"

On the outside I was fine, but the inside was telling me something was off! I trust her! I don't trust the bitch! Why haven't I seen her yet? Briel makes sure we NEVER see each other, she's never cheated! Never lied! So I can't do anything but trust her.

"Bitch you better than me!!
Ain't no way in hell I can do it!
The baby is innocent but he ain't been around
Now he pops up like nothing happened?
Did y'all talk about this?"
KC was very outspoken, I couldn't get mad at her because she was a real friend, she kept it blood raw even if it hurt my feelings I wanted to hear it.

" KC you wouldn't understand.. I can't make an excuse! She was honest! She didn't have to tell me about him.. but she did! I don't think she cheating!
I just feel as if now that he's here..
he's her main focus.. I don't exist!
My heart instantly felt numb,
pain started to create fear.

This is what I didn't want to happen.
Being judged because I made a decision to accept whatever came with Briel, it's rare that I vent to people! Cause they wouldn't understand..

"I'm not judging you Tati! You're stronger than me! I've been through this before, I can't tell you what to do or how to do it! Just be mindful! Don't be blinded by love! Follow whatever you're gut tells you.. I'm here! I know y'all love each other."
KC understood the circumstances, she was very overprotective over me, we practically sisters..
Ain't hurting me, meant hurting her.

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