Protect me...- Shigadabi

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(Art not mine~~)

Trigger warning: Un-consensual touching (I don't know what to call it)

(Shigaraki's  POV)

I glared at the mess in front of me, My wavy fringe neatly yet messily laying against my face, The rest of the hair dripped onto my shoulders, The more I looked at myself the worse I feel, Scars coating my lips that no matter how hard I tried they don't seem to go away, the crusted skin around my eyes, My unhealthily skinny limbs, 


A notification? I walk towards my phone

💙🔥 ~Dabi~ 🔥💙

Dabi: Ey mophead you free?

I glanced at the notification... Dabi... The dude I've fallen for with no chance of him liking me back... What do I respond with... Do I really wanna see him today...

(Dabi's POV)

He left me on read?! Seriously! Wait why do I care...? There's no way I like him? Right... I like girls don't I? I don't even know anymore... 

A small vibration snapped me out of my thoughts causing me to throw my phone, "Fuck!" I yelled, Running over to the technology in hopes its not broken, Phew

{<~Handy man~>}

💙🔥 ~Dabi~ 🔥💙:Ey mophead you free?

I guess...:{<~Handy man~>}

💙🔥 ~Dabi~ 🔥💙:Ill be there in 15?

Mhm:{<~Handy man~>}

(3rd person POV)

Dabi chucked on some black sweats with a simple white tee and a leather jacket, He raced out the door on the way to the crusty mans house, The flamethrower stopped outside the apartment building preparing himself to face Tomura himself, 

The bluenette walks out his front door treading down the stairs, The most embarrassing thing was what he was wearing, Now normally he'd wear skinny jeans and a jacket but somehow Shigaraki's washer broke the day before (I wonder who tOgA) leaving him with none of his choices but clothing he hasn't touched in who knows how long, He was in white short shorts with a blue button up, He felt way to self conscious in this but there was no other option, He started regretting hanging out with Dabi since Tomura KNOWS Dabi would make fun of him for this, Plus it was really cold outside so Crusty is gonna freeze.

Shigaraki walked out of the doors to see Dabi standing there, if Dabi was questioning his liking for Tomura Shigaraki he knew right now, He was falling for this man

"Woah there shigs what are you wearing?" Shigaraki's face started turning red "First off don't call me 'Shigs' Second I had no other clothes..." He said looking away, "Whatever you say Shigs " A sigh escaped the smaller boy's lips "What are we doing anyways..." Mumbled Tomura, "Well I thought we could go on a walk?" "My clothes aren't exactly appropriate for a walk in this weather... On that thought I probably have a jacket of even more clothes somewhere else" Said the wavy haired boy beginning to walk off "Not so fast crusty..." Said Patchwork grabbing Tomura's wrist, Shigaraki hissed at the sudden contact, 

A warm fabric coated Shigarakis bare arms, "Wha-" "Wear my jacket. It looks good on you" Dabi said that last part with a wink and a smirk "Fine... and it probably doesn't" Tomura whispered the last part forgetting how close he is to Dabi, A frown crept onto black haired dude remembering how self conscious Shigaraki is.

(Shigaraki's POV)

Me and Patchwork start walking off, My face was turning red knowing how close we are, Dabi notices my blush and I feel his fingers join with mine, I was literally a beetroot, As we walked hand in hand I felt eyes on me, As we reached a crowd Dabi suddenly detached our hands and walked over to the group (Lets just pretend Dabi has friends from High school) He highfived a few of the dudes and hugged the girls causing a small bit of jealousy inside of me, Wait why am I jealous! its not like we are dating, I felt someone tug me and to my well not surprise it was Dabi. he was talking to a girl with long pink hair who was very obviously flirting, Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist, But it wasn't Dabis cologne that I inhaled... wait why Dabi?! never mind... It smelt strongly of sweat, not a nice smell... "Ay cutie how 'bout we ditch these guys and we head to my house for some fun" (Ew I felt uncomfortable writing that) said the dude

 "No thank you..." I said trying to get out of his grip "Aw I won't let someone like you slip away that easily", I felt his hand go towards my ass and his other cover my mouth, A trail of kisses coat my neck, Tears flow out of my eyes onto his hand, I let out whimpers and muffled screams, Suddenly I hear a familiar voice yell... "GET YOUR  HANDS OFF OF HIM"  Dabi... Suddenly I hear a scream along with the hands suddenly ripped away, "Run shigs" I hear Dabi say, I start bolting out of there not bothering to look behind me but I heard screams in the distance, I pushed my back against a tree as more tears come flowing. The next few minutes felt like hours  "Hey...Shigaraki?" A comforting voice comes from behind me, "I'm sorry... I thought Yusei changed..." I suddenly felt comforting arms wrap around me

I jerk back in instinct but slowly sink into his arms, More tears pour out, "Its ok... I'm here... Shhhh" Out of no where I felt a small bit of contact with my hair, D-Did Dabi just kiss my head?! I slow my breathing and look up at him 

"Look... Shigaraki, I've never been the nicest to you, And I thought right now even though it isn't the best time it would be good to get something off my chest, I can't stand random people doing things like this, Touching you, Kissing you... the list goes on and on, Toga told me about experiences you've had before with dudes in the street and I... What i'm trying to say here is that... I like you Shigaraki... More than friends..."

I was shocked, It took me a moment to process, "Y-you like me... You're just saying this cause you're pitting me right?" Tears flow down my cheeks again, I felt something soft touch my cheek, Dabis hand... "No Shigs I like you" He said looking in my eyes, "I-I like you too Dabi..." I managed to  get out with sobs,

Suddenly I felt lips connect with mine... WAIT D-Dabi is kissing me, after a second i slowly melt into the kiss "I like you so much shig-" "Tomura..." I cut him off, "W-What?" "Call me Tomura" I whisper leaning in too kiss him again, I press my lips to his after a few seconds he pulls away "Then Tomura, Will you let me do the honers of being yours?" 


(1200 words!)

Wow wee that took a while, Sorry if its sloppy, Its late where I am and I am tired but sleep is something I don't feel like doing, Anyhow Thanks for reading this so far and Ill hopefully get a chapter out soon! also sorry for grammar mistakes


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