Why couldn't I see that you were hurting - Bakudeku

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Angsty angst

TW : Overdose and Suicide 

(Izuku POV)

I grip the pill bottle, I can hear his old words repeating in my head "You will never be a hero""Go take a swan dive off a building" "You aren't good enough" "God you're so annoying" "Don't you ever shut up?" "He loves me doesn't he." "He only feels pity for you" "N-no he doesn't" Broken sobs escape my mouth "Hes probably kissing up on someone right now and just saying hes at the shops" "H-he wouldn't do that"  'Would he... I mean I look pathetic compared to his friends... And some co-workers or someone he had to save probably looks better...'

 I look down at the bottle in my hands, "M-maybe just a few more" I pour 5 pills onto my hand and start placing them into my mouth, 1 pill, swallow, 2 pill, swallow, 3 pill, swallow..  I continue with the rhythm until I start to feel dizzy, I hear my phone ringing, "It will be suspicious if I don't answer" I shuffle my way over to my buzzing phone, "Hey hun" I hear him say "H-hi!" I stutter out, "You okay?" "Yeah, I am j-just out of breath since I-I was cleaning" "Oh okay, I just wanted to check in with you, I'll be home in about a hour? I need to drop some stuff off at Shitty hairs" Of course he does... "Oh okay, I'll be waiting for you to come home so I can start dinner" "Bye love" "Bye bye"

'Beep beep beep' Those beeps after getting hung up on very familiar, My head starts to ache as I crawl my way back over to the pill bottle, "A few more wont hurt" I pour another 3 pills onto my palm and tears roll down my freckled cheeks, I put another one in my mouth and swallow until they are gone, I try to stand up and fall back down, With the last of my power I write a letter, 

Dear Katsuki,

Hey hun, I just wanna say that I love you! No matter what, You will most likely forget about me in a month so don't dwell on my death, I will be watching over you no matter what so don't be afraid to move on, Maybe date one of your pretty co-workers, I lost my fight but my fight has been going on for too long, So don't be sad okay? It will hurt me more if you are sad, I love you goodbye

-Your boyfriend, Izuku <3

I sit back in the same position and pour 5 more pills onto my hand, I toss them all down my throat, My heart beat quickens and my body starts shaking, my vision starts fading and the only thing I can hear is my heartbeat and my phone buzzing.

(Katsuki POV)

4 missed calls, Normally he answers after the first ring... "Hey shitty hair I gotta go..." I say grabbing the rest of my grocery bags, I get into the car, Luckily there is barely any traffic "Come on come on" I mumble under my breath as I struggle to park, As soon as I get in the car in a good enough position I exit my vehicle and run through the front door, I first check, the kitchen? nothing, Bathroom? nothing, Lounge? Nothing... I wonder up the stairs and I peer through the bedroom door, I knock first since I don't know what he is doing, but no answer, I open the door and tears start flowing, My world, Laying on the floor, His once full bottle of pills almost empty, I run over to his side, "Babe... Love... Izuku? Baby this isn't a funny joke" My tears drop onto his porcelain cheeks, 

I grab his phone and dial 911 "911 whats your emergency?" "Help... Please my boyfriend has overdosed please..." "Okay sir stay cal-" "HOW AM I MEANT TO STAY CALM MY BOYFRIEND IS ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE" "Oh my god Ground zero sir. We will send people as fast as possible." "You better. Give him the best doctors I don't care how much it costs." A few minutes pass and I heard knocking "Come in!" I yell out "Bedroom upstairs 1st room to the left!" 4 people run in and take Izuku away, I start sobbing and reach for my phone, I ring Kirishima, "Hey bro!" "H-hey" "Bakugou? You okay you don't sound good" "How would I be okay after my fucking joy just overdosed" "Oh my bakugou I'm sorry" "I'm sorry for taking it out on you, Its just scary, He took like 3/4 of a bottle of pills..." A unknown called ID pops up, "I-I'll call you back", I hang up on Kirishima and answer the other number, "H-hello?" "Hi Ground zero, We would like to talk to you about Izuku Midoriya in person so if you could drive to the hospital and head to floor 5 room 502?" "S-sure"

"Mr Bakugou... Hello"I hear the doctor say "How is he?" "He is gone, I am sorry for your lost..." My whole world came crashing before me, "I found this in his pocket, Here" I am handed a note, (Refer to the note Izuku wrote earlier) "No.. No...  this has to be a joke, Please tell me you're joking... Please" I sob out, Why... Why did you have to go. "I'll let you have a moment" The doctor exits the room leaving me with my passed boyfriend,  "Hey baby... I was actually planning on purposing to you today heh, Thats why I was out, I was getting Kirishimas help setting up..." I walk over and hold his cold hand, "I will always miss you please know that, I wish I could see your smile one more time, It hurts since I thought of this future of us adopting kids since I knew how much you loved them, Even though I am not a big fan of them as long as you're happy I am fine, It hurts knowing so many of those smiles may have been fake.." I caress his cheek,

"Why couldn't I see that you were hurting..."

3 one-shots in 1 day, I'm not a big bakudeku shipper but aye never hurts to write about them :) Stay safe!

-LV <3

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