Not good enough for you - Momojirou

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Art not mineeee~ 

Trigger warning!: Self harm (Also No uniforms btw)

(3rd person POV)

It was yet another day in class 2-A, Momo has gotten more confident over the year while Jirou stayed the same, Yeah they still talked but ever since the beginning of 2-A momo has let the popularity kinda drag her away, This hurt Jirou to say the slightest, It wasn't the fact Momo dressed more confident, or got more attention, It was the fact the only person who actually cared about her was gone, The person she dare I say loved is gone, Jirou knows she has completely lost her chance, Now that Momo has probably some of the hottest guys and girls after her while jirou has what wouldn't be whats considered the Ideal body, She was skinny yeah but unlike Momo, Jirou had almost no breastage (Is that a word?), She didn't have the most feminine look, And if she did get "complemented" it would be a dare or something creepy like her getting touched in the street, Momo on the other hand has also started dating some boy called Rikyu.

(Momo's POV)

You know, Now a days I barely see Jirou anymore, Either I've been busy or she hasn't been at school, Maybe I should text her, Go back to when we used to hangout or stay up late nights texting.

🎶Earphone jack🎶

🛠️Crafti🛠️:Hey Jirou? How have you been. We haven't talked in a while...

I mean I'm not lying, I've been spending days hanging out with Rikyu! Anyways I might as well get cleaned up incase Jirou wants to hang out... Or Rikyu.

I got out of the shower to see Jirou has left me on read? Normally she replies fast... Maybe she is busy right now yeah... I picked out a cute red dress with a low cut neck line and bow. Wait did my phone just go off!

🎶Earphone jack🎶

🛠️Crafti🛠️:Hey Jirou? How have you been. We haven't talked in a while...

Hey Yaoyorozu... I've been fine and I guess: 🎶Earphone jack🎶 

                      🛠️Crafti🛠️:So wanna hangout? Maybe go to a cafe like the old times?

Sure I guess, I'll see you in 10?:🎶Earphone jack🎶   

                     🛠️Crafti🛠️: Ofc!

(Jirous POV)

Why did I agree to this, Especially on a sunny day, Well I guess I should change. I settled on a oversized black hoodie, Ripped skinny jeans and converse, I haven't got my hair cut in a while so I tied it into a small bun like thing, 'Egh, Why do I have to look this...' I started exciting my dorm on the way to find Yaomomo. "Jirou?" I whip my head around to see two black eyes with hair tied into a high pony, "Oh hey Yaoyorozu" I hear another voice behind her "Babe!!" Of course its Rikyu... "Hey baby, I'm just gonna hang with Jirou." "Wait THIS is jirou... She doesn't look anything like you described, Hun there is a lot better people you could hang with..." Yeah I know dumbass I let myself go, You don't need to bring it up... "I'll wait outside..." With that I walked away to make it not seem like i'm hurt but as soon as I got out of view I ran, faster than I've ever ran before, Tears streaming down, It hurt... I heard the clicking of heels behind me so I wiped my eyes and tried my best to smile, "Jirou!! Slow down..." She seemed out of breath. I always had a on end thought about Rikyu hurting her but I think its just my crush on her...

We arrived at the cafe, After like 5 minutes of awkward silence Yaoyorozu spoke up "So, Your look has changed," She said, "Tell me about it..." "If you don't mind me asking... why? Where is the punk Jirou I spent a year with?" She lightly nudged me, "I actually have no idea" I lied, I lied to my best friend on my half... and my well... crush. "Maybe we could go shopping and I could bring Rikyu and you could bring...?" Frick I didn't tell her I'm not dating anyone... "Oh uh well I'm not seeing anyone at the moment" "Really? Well then you, Rikyu and I can go!" "Of course you needed to say that..." I mumbled the last bit under my breath... "Pardon? Sorry I couldn't hear you" "Oh sorry, It was nothing..." Our names got called so we went to collect our drinks, I chose a mocha frap while Momo got a iced tea.

"So Jirou, what are your plans later, I myself am hanging out with Rikyu, We plan to go on a dinner date to this fancy restaurant and then maybe get ice cream" "Cool, I'll probably be studying..." I sigh, "Why don't you go out anymore, Any guy will be happy to date you" I think you think I'm a mirror of some sort and you are trying to hype yourself up... "I'll pass" I slightly speed up and she notices.

(Short 3rd person POV)

Momo grabs Jirous wrist causing a sharp pain, "Ah frick!" Momo looks confused, "Jirou, Why are you wearing such a oversized hoodie... Its really sunny" She grabs Jirous sleeve and starts trying to roll it up to her surprise she sees marks... "What are these Jirou..." Then it hits her.

(Momos POV)

Cuts... Some fresh and some old, "Jirou..." I reach to hug her but she dodges. "Why... Why do you do this..." "Because you HURT me... You left me... Why don't you understand Momo I like you, More than I can describe, And I know I'm not good enough for you, But even though your dating someone else isn't the thing that hurts... WE can't get past like two sentences before you are like 'Me and Rikyu' 'How 'bout we all hang out' Like can't you tell he hates me! The only questions I have, Before I leave you and 'Rikyu' Alone forever are... Does he stay up for hours talking on face times because you can't sleep and even though he is on the edge of passing out he stays on the line till you fall asleep, Does he get you flowers for every little thing you do? Does he answer right away... Goodbye Momo" And with that she runs off, My body tells me to follow her but I can't. 

Tears fill up my eyes but I faintly hear a familiar voice, Rikyu... I turn to see Rikyu and some girl with pink hair, They kiss... Why... If I really think hard, Rikyu never answers my late night face times or even text my a goodnight, He has never got me flowers, He normally responds a hour late... I yell out "Hey 'Babe' didn't know you had a side chick, She's surprisingly pretty, Have fun with her since me and you re through! And just so you know I cancelled the credit card I let you borrow so I hope to find it at my dorm later" I waved but more tears flowed I ran towards the direction Jirou went in to hopefully find her. 

She is sitting on the front steps... "Hey Jirou, Rikyu and I are broken up now, Heh he was cheating on me," She got up, I was expecting her to run but she walked over towards me and hugged me. "I know you are straight but I wan't you to know I'm here, I will slowly ease from my crush" She gave me a soft smile, I knew then and there what I needed to do, I kissed her, It was sweet and passionate, I pulled away to see her red face "I thought I told you I was Bi" And then we shared another kiss underneath the sunset.

(1294 words! That didn't take that long maybe 1-2 hours, There is definitely lots of grammar mistakes but I'm lazy as heck and don't feel like fixing it so yeah)


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