Panic attack - Miritama

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Cover art not mine~ (I can never find who the a piece of art)

Trigger warning! : Panic attack

(short 3rd person POV)

It was a stormy night, 12:00 o clock. Yet Tamaki couldn't manage to fall asleep, With the thoughts of everyone secretly hating him, the upcoming presentation and the thunder and lightning, His breathing speed up and tears started leaving his eyes, His body was shaking... 

(Mirios POV)

I was sitting in my room studying when I heard faint noises in the room beside mine which sounded like crying... WAIT thats Amajikis room, I threw everything off of me and ran out of my dorm, I placed three knocks onto his door. "Who is it...?" I heard his shaky voice respond "Its Mirio..." I tried to say in a soft voice, I heard more noises, I checked and luckily the door was unlocked, There sat tamaki, He had a hoodie I probably left when we were hanging out and shorts, He was violently shaking as tears rolled down his red cheeks.

"Hey... Shhh calm down" I said walking over to him, I wrap my arms around him and he clutches my shirt and sobs into it, "Its ok... I'm here...shh" Look over the years I've learnt how to comfort him but I don't know how long he has had it or what he is thinking about. I pull him onto my lap in hopes it will help, Running my fingers through his hair normally calms him along with telling him he is safe, "D-did I w-wake you up? I'm s-sorry" He mumbles into my chest, "No! I was studying so no need to worry" I smile at the small boy in my arms.

"Are you ready to talk about it?" I direct my attention to the once sobbing boy, "J-Just the t-thunder and p-project coming up..." I can tell there is something else but he is probably not ready to say yet, You know, He may be on the edge of passing out but he looks really cute right now, He is snuggled into my shirt, his hair is so messy yet so perfect, The light touch of red on the tips of his ears, His slim figure, Wait do I have a crush on him? I mean Nejire does say it seems like it, I always just thought always wanting to hang out with him, thinking he is cute, and hugging him all the time was a normal friend thing...

(Tamakis POV)

Right now I am cradled in my crushes and best friends arms yet he will never know how I feel, It might completely ruin our friendship, Suddenly I feel Mirio bend along with something touching my head for a second, Wait did he kiss my head? A few minutes pass and I feel myself be lifted, A let out a small squeak, "Oh I thought you feel asleep heh..." I hear him say, He starts walking and soon enough I feel myself being put in my bed, "Night Amajiki" As soon as he reaches the front door I get up, I walk over, and kiss him, then I quickly shove him out and shut the door, leaning against the door I whisper yell"I might have just ruined out friendship gosh dang it Amajiki." "No you didn't Jiki" Mirios voice replies, I get up as he opens the door, "I-I'm sorry" I whisper "You don't need to be sorry" He tries to comfort me, I feel his arms wrap around me "I love you Amajiki" He whispers into my hair, I get red, did he really just say what I think he did?! "I-I love y-you too..." I say into his chest, He picks me up once again and puts me down in bed... "S-stay" I whisper grabbing his hand "Are you sure?" "Yes..." I move to the side and he gets into the bed with me, I rest my hands onto his chest and he wraps his arms on my waist...

"Thank you for always being here Togata Mirio"

(655 words. Hi everyone who decided to read this, This took me a while but I tried my hardest, I will keep trying to upload but its hard to come up with ideas)


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