Word of the day: endings

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"Y/N Tsutsui"


Hearing the referee blow the final whistle ofthe Shiratorizawa match, tears scattered down his face

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Hearing the referee blow the final whistle of
the Shiratorizawa match, tears scattered
down his face.


As much as he wanted it to be....standing
with his team, wearing a medal, even
getting to hold the trophy.....he wished Nationals
was the top thing in his mind.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Suga scanned the crowd, hoping and praying
that you stood among the rest of the section.
Knowing he hasn't spoken to her
in so long. Knowing that wasn't probably her
at the Aoba Johsai game the other day.
Knowing she ignored or didn't even see the
voicemail he left her.
All he wished for, was to see her face.



You sat on your bed, sneezing by your pillow
after rewatching the last set of
the Shiratorizawa game on your phone.

"I wish I could've seen that live."
you whisper to yourself and pout.
Falling back on your pillows, you turn your head towards your desk and notice the picture again.
The same one that you found
during the start of this school year.

Hmm, my birthday is coming up again.
I probably won't do anything.

Ever since you and Suga stopped talking,
you slowly began to become numb.
All emotions became irrelevant, other than the
pinch of happiness you feel when you hang out
with Masa, your dad or of course, Suga.

"Hey idiot, can we go to the roof?"
Masa exited your bathroom and suggests. He was one of the people that noticed your change of moods, so decided to watch Suga's game with you.
"I wanna go for a quick smoke."

Last time he suggested to go to the roof,
he told me about his new smoking habit.

You knew something was up, but didn't protest against the idea.

The two of you crawl out of your window,
which leads to part of the roof attached to your house. You didn't know
if you should ask him straight up or wait until
he was ready.

The silence was so deafening, you were tempted
to let your thought slide and think
he doesn't have anything to say to you.

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