Word of the day: scary

630 43 85

Warning: bad word language (cooties!) and sexual assault (+normal assault).

if you're sensitive to these type of things, you may skip this chapter and i'll recap what happened in the next one.


"Thank you, Koushi"



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You and Masa smile at the camera, hugging each other. It's his last day before leaving for a week, and usually you have a small party with his family when they go on long trips away.

"Masa, no more."
you laugh and put his drink down.

Along with the party, he always seems to get drunk.

"Hm, you're hair is cute."
he has a drunk laugh,
throwing his arm around you and playing
with your hair.

"I know."
you slightly baby him,
knowing how badly he can get drunk.

After a few more drinks and card games, you say your farewells to the family and go on your way.
You only lived across the street,
so your dad usually let you stay out as
long as you wanted.
But now, he was away for a few days,
taking care of your grandma...your mom's mom.

It was going to be a lonely Christmas for you.

"Walking across the street, without looking both ways? How exciting."
a voice speaks behind you.

Out of fear, you jump and nearly run forward.
But the source of the voice wraps his arm around you, not letting go of your small body.

"Let go of me, you perv!"
you shout and elbow him.
His grip loosened for a slight second, only to tighten.

"No need to get violent."
he whispers towards you.

With all your strength, you spun around and faced your best friends house's.
Hoping they're still in their backyard.


Before you could shout, his hands covered your mouth. It was a weird feeling, since he was wearing rubber gloves as well.

Don't be too loud or I might have to do something to that pretty little throat of yours."

You try to grab your phone, but the moment it was in your hand, he slapped it to the floor.

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