Word of the day: beginnings

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"We should try it!"



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You and Suga find each other in the crowd, giving each other a big hug.
Your vacation at grandma's prevented you from
seeing Suga or Masa all of summer break.
As any ten year old would be,
you were anxious to see them everyday.

"Where's Masa?"
you ask.

"His mom and he are at the store, but they
should be back soon. Wanna go inside?"
he politely invites you in.


You two go inside his house, not even stepping
in your own home after coming home.
Your father understood how much you love hanging out with your friends,
so he didn't oppose.
Suga brought you through his house and to his
backyard, where they have a
"secret base"
together, shared with Masa.

Collectively, the three of you met up there for
idiotic plannings only to end up eating lots
of snacks and play games.
Once, Suga and Masa tried to see who could
stuff their mouths with the most marshmallows.
It didn't end pretty.

The base held many, many memories.

Including the end of a beautiful friendship.


After eating a majority of the snacks,
Masa excluded himself from the three and
went to the bathroom.
Leaving you and Suga there, the silence
uncomfortably sat among them.

You could feel Suga's eyes on you, making you get
a bit nervous for no reason.
There was something clearly on his mind,
leaving you in a world of curiosity.
But Suga breaking the ice, was possibly the worst.

You feel his hand suddenly touch yours,
unexpectedly. At first, you didn't know how to react,
then decided to let him take the lead.
It didn't phase you, as long as you didn't intend
on holding it back.



"Have you ever kissed someone yet?"


As wide as your eyes had grown, you tried your best to act normal and look away.
The question definitely caught you off guard.

"Well, have you? Cause I haven't."

"Yeah, neither have I, so what!"
your response was a bit pushy, but you only had the tone due to complete fear.

"We should try it!"
Sugawara happily smiles.
You could feel your stomach doing flips,
which isn't normal for a ten year old.


"I saw these two kids kiss on a show
and if they can do it, why can't we?"
he explains, then scoots closer.
He grips onto your hand a bit tighter,
making you face him.
"Look, I learned that people kiss with
their eyes close.
So close your eyes and I can just go for it."

As much as you didn't want to do this,
you still obeyed.

you quickly interrupt and shoot your eyes open.
"I don't want Masa to know about this."

He nodded his head agreeing,
as you slowly closed your eyes again.
Wondering how a kiss felt wasn't what you
anticipated, when walking into the
Sugawara residence.

With your eyes closed, you were so tempted
to open them back up.
But even young you, knew that
that would be a horrible idea right about now.

Suga verbally says, while planting
a very short peck on your lips.
When you open back up your eyes, you see his
embarrassed and flustered face.

"Well that was lame."
you mention.

"Maybe because it was with you?"
he unintentionally, rudely responds.
You don't take those words too kindly and
decide to storm out of the base.

Masa calls out, having just stepped back outside.
"What just happened?"

He confusedly looks at Suga, receiving a disappointed look in return.

"I don't know."


Ever since the incident, you and Suga
haven't spoken. Luckily, school took a while to roll around, which is the only place
you and Suga are forced to interact.

Masa didn't understand what has been going on,
which left him playing basketball
by himself a lot. Constantly getting turned down
from you or Suga, after hearing one of the other
is going.

"Sugawara-kun! Just tell me!"
Masa begged him.

"I can't!"
he defends and stomps his little foot.
"If I do, I could get in a lot of trouble."

"If you don't tell me, we aren't friends anymore."
Masa threatens, using his normal threat,
which he never goes through with in the end.
"I-I mean it this time."

Suga knew if he said anything, he would
lose you.
He thought keeping his mouth shut would
end all of this and things will go back to normal.

"Okay Sugawara."

Masa joined your side and the two of you
walk in the opposite direction of Suga.

He thought it would all end.

But that was just the beginning to his
horrible life, losing not one,
but both of his best friends.

The beginning to an amazing rivalry.

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