Telling Him (almost) Everything

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Chapter Six


He threw me over his shoulder, my lame body hanging lifelessly in a curve, the bullet hole in my back aching ferociously, calling Death. I didn't think I would make it through. But I knew I had to hold it together, at least till he knew the truth about me, until he knew the truth about the Oi Alloi, until he knew the truth about himself.

My eyelids shut slowly despite my protests.


As I gain consciousness, I recognize Mom and Dad at my bedside, Mom in her sweatpants and bangles and Dad in his legendary denim jeans. I smile. And then I remember. "Mom..." That couldn't be me. It was a tired, croaky, soft sound. It couldn't be me. But it is. "Mom, Peter..."

"Shh, Catherine, it's okay, tells us when you have a little more energy." Mom sighs.

"No, mom, you don't get it. He's part of the Oi Alloi. I saw him. I saw them. The Ceremony- its, it's true. It's all true." I gasp for a breath.

"Catherine," Dad starts, his hand reaching out to me, "we know, we know." He pauses uncertainly.

I furrow my eyebrows together. "What is it?"

"Catherine, was there-"

"Stanley don't push her!" Mom cuts in swiftly.

"But Regina, we need to know. She might be in danger!"

That got me. "Dad," I start, suddenly worried and aware of what he was going to ask.

"Don't dear, its okay, Stanley's just overprotective of the clan."

I ignore her and turn to my father, a single tear escaping my eye, "Shailene."


He finally comes to meet me three days after the unruly incident, and it hit me again- the change in the colour of his eyes. He is true Oi Alloi now. He would never join us.

I smile, happy to finally meet him. After the usual introductory, I gather up the courage to ask him about her, seeing that my parents refuse to open their mouths.

His head suddenly thrusts up towards me from their lagging position. His eyes turned a soft, beautiful shade of gold, "I'm sorry I couldn't save her. I swear I was searching-"

I put my hand out to silent him. It is getting too late. He has to know- but not here, not now. "We need to talk." I tell him, trying to make my voice serious, "right after I'm out."

I give myself a moment to think about my lost friend. Not now, Catherine. You will have time for this later. And then, a more dangerous thought enters my mind- if there is a later.


He walks out, leaving the door behind him to shut with a bang.

I look at my parents worriedly. Their faces echo a similar vision. He knows. And he has been training. My mom speaks up, stating what all of us are too scared to believe, "It's too late. If he doesn't help us, no one can. We are done for."

I can't bear to see her in this state. Someone has to do something about it and obviously that person is me.

"No. I can still speak to him. The moment I leave." I turn simultaneously to both my parents, "Mom. Dad. I can do it. It's Peter." That seems to help.

"Okay then Cat, we'll give you both some time on the day you leave the hospital." My father nodded to his wife. She sighs; and then agrees.

So it is set.

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