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Chapter Twenty-Five


I watch as his able arms drag her away and then turn to the door in front of me. I have to keep her safe; I know first-hand what these people can do. I close my eyes and breath in.

Then, with my team- except Lucas- on my side, I push open the doors and walk out to address the team we have huddled.

I look at them all, about two hundred men, all standing in attention, wearing navy blue suits that cover their entire body. Their guns quickly perfected to an angle that would best harm our opposition; their eyes determined. Through the corner of my eye, I see Andrew nod, and then, I begin.

"Fellow soldiers, for the second time today, we are going to be facing a supposedly inevitable enemy. It was once believed that they could never be defeated, that we would always live under their constant threat and control, but today, not too long back, we proved them wrong.

"We showed them that they can be defeated- we showed ourselves that they can be defeated. We proved every soul who thought that we are weak- wrong." I stop, looking around. Then continue, "Because we are greater. We are stronger. We are united. And we will win this." A loud cheer goes through the crowd as soon as I finish my little speech. I smile, proud and then motion to everyone to quiet down. "Okay, everyone positions."

Instantly, they start segregating into groups. I turn to the men standing beside me.

"William, you and Harry take the back." They nod.

"Albert, Ester, Arthur, right side." They scutter into their groups.

"Richard, Oliver, Andrew, to the left." I continue assigning positions. Andrew pats me on the shoulder before they mix into exit into the sides.

"Max, I hope you don't mind, but you're here with me."

He smiles and replies, all serious, "It would be an honor to fight with you, my friend."

I roll my eyes. Best friends are always Extra.

He grins, now back to his original self, "I know, just felt like saying that." We both share a moment of silence and then walk to the front of the gates, open them, and stand at our positions, waiting.

I go over the basic structure of our placements- made in three minutes-in my head, welcoming the slight breeze in the sun. The structure is shaped like an upturned diamond, so somewhat a square at the ground level. My ears prick something from behind me.

I ignore it. Fifty men on each side, two members of Oi Alloi. Because we can't be sure where they entered from the last time, it is imperative each side is equally guarded. I shake my head, as if agreeing to myself, and I hear, once more, something coming from behind me. I turn to look.


And Lucas. And Eliza.

Of course.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I say in annoyance. Why doesn't she understand I have to keep her safe?

She walks up to me, her hair tied up, her hands on her hips and says, "There is no way I'm missing out on this." Lucas chuckles from behind her.

"More like there was no way you could stay without him for another minute." He counters.

I try to compress a smile and motion for Lucas to join us at the front. Eliza stays inside the gates, her eyes shut, frowning.

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